Chapter three: 3-E

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Third POV

As Koro Sensei drove to the mountain, the two boys talked about their first day of school.

"Nagisa here was popular with the guys, right Nagisa-Chan?" Karma asked, smirking.

"Karma!" Nagisa yelled.

"Please don't fight in this car. Karasuma might try to kill me." Koro Sensei joked.

Nagisa and Karma laughed.

"He can't do that though. You're a human with rights!" Nagisa said.

"We're here."

Koro Sensei parked the car at the foot of the mountain and told the boys to get out. The two boys got out and Koro Sensei went to pick up the other students from other schools. When they reached the top of the mountain, the class E students that were already there, started asking about the Nagisa and Karma's first day. By the time they were done, the whole class was there except for Karasuma and Irina.

"So, Nagisa was mistaken as a girl?"

"Let's stop talking about that..."

Just then, the missing teachers walked up the mountain.

Time skip brought to you by Nagisa wearing a dress

"Wow, I'm exhausted!" Kimura/Justice said.

"Same." Mimura agreed.

"It's almost dark..."Sugino said.

"It's time to stop. See you next time." Karasuma said.

"See you Sunday!"


"See ya!"

The students all said their goodbyes and walked down the mountain. The teachers stayed there for a while and started talking.

"They're all growing up so quickly~" bitch Sensei said.

"It's hard to believe that they were the worst class a year ago." Karasuma added.

"They all have great talents." Koro Sensei said, smiling.

The teachers all agreed. They talked about class e and how they've changed.

"Well, time to go. I have to tutor Okuda soon." And Koro Sensei ran off.

"We should go too." Karasuma said.

"Okay!" Bitch Sensei chirped.

She clung onto his arm and followed him happily.

The end


It's not actually the end. It seemed like a good time to add it so I did. You can ignore it. Also, I'm thinking of changing the way I write.

Karma:blah blah blah

Nagisa:*does something* talk talk talk

Karma:more talking*does something*

Narrate narrate narrate

Something like that. Which way seems better?

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