Chapter 16

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"Karma..." Nagisa seethed, head down as he marched into the host club room. The club was empty except for Karma, Haruhi, Tamaki, and the twins.

"Oh. Nagisa chan." Hikaru smiled, looking up from his card game with Haruhi and Kaoru.

"What's wrong?" Kaoru asked, taking a peek at his brother's hand.

"Yes Nagisa ?" Karma asked setting down his phone.

Nagisa picked up his head and smiled at the present host club members. It was an innocent smile; one he had shone Takaoka sensei. Karma leapt out of his chair and backed up.

"You guys should leave." He told the host club calmly with a small smile. "Things are gonna get a little out of hand..."

"What do you mean?" Haruhi asked, setting down her cards and standing up.

"Karma..." Nagisa said cocking his head, still smiling. "Come here..."

"No thanks. I think this spot is a good distance from you." Karma said casually leaning towards an open window looking at his nails.

"Alright, then I guess I'll go to you." Nagisa started taking small casual steps towards his redhead friend and Karma glanced at him.

"You know what, I think I'll go now." And with that, Karma jumped out of the window, leaping onto the window next to the host club room, then jumping onto the ground.

"Karma!" Haruhi shouted, as everyone but Nagisa ran to the window.

"I'll be going now. Tell Nagisa to calm down and not to kill anyone." The redhead shouted. Then he bolted towards the school gates.

"Where's Karma going?" Nagisa asked the host club innocently.

"He said he's going but didn't say where." Haruhi shrugged.

"And he said to tell you to calm down." Hikaru added.

"And to not kill anyone." Kaoru commented.

" wouldn't anyways..." Tamaki said smiling. "Right...?" His smile turned nervous as Nagisa continued smiling.

"Sorry. I have to go now. Tell sensei I left because I was feeling sick. And tell her that Karma kun got hurt." He turned to leave, saying thanks over his shoulder, smile still on his face. "See you tomorrow."


Sorry for not updating in so long. Schools almost over but I still have to do my summer homework which is to write an essay ;w; And my senior trip was postponed ;w;

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