Chapter 12

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"Hey Haruhi come here for a sec." Karma said, waving over the cross dressing girl.

Narrowing his eyes at his partner, Nagisa looked at him suspiciously.

"Karma...what are you going to do....?" He asked, watching his friend.

"What do you mean Nagisa? I'm calling over our lovely friend Haruhi if that's what you're asking." Karma replied innocently.

Not knowing what was happening, Haruhi walled over to the two boys and stood in front of them, waiting to for the reason she was called over.

"Hey Haruhi chan, wanna see something cool?" Karma asked, glancing at Nagisa, a smirk on his face.

"Sure." Haruhi answered, still clueless over why she was called.

"Karma...if you're going to do what I think you're going to do, don't do it." Nagisa warned.

"What's he going to do?" The cross dressing girl asked, confused.

"Oh nothing. Nagisa here is just suspicious over something I haven't done." Karma smiled.

"Yet." Nagisa muttered.

"Alright class, take your seats, class is about to begin." A teacher told the class, walking in.

"Aw..." Karma whined. "There goes my chance..."

After Haruhi returned to her seat, Nagisa started to scold Karma quietly.

"But what did I do?" Karma asked, faking shock. "I haven't done anything to you."

"Yet." Nagisa added under his breath. "What were you going to show her?"

"Oh nothing~" Karma said happily. "Just a few pictures of beautiful Nagisa chan~"

Face reddening, Nagisa exclaimed. "NO!"

"Nagisa!" A sharp voice snapped the bluenette out of his embarrassment. "Quiet while I am teaching. Or would you rather teach the class?"

"Sorry sensei...." Nagisa mumbled, lowering his head, glaring at the amused red head beside him.


Hai ppl. How you doing? Here's an update~ next chapter or maybe the one after that will be three more picture of "beautiful Nagisa chan~" enjoy

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