Chapter eleven

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"Nagisa chan~"

Nagisa groaned as he collected his books for his next class.

"Karma don't call me that." He said, his face tinted pink.

"But why not Nagisa chan?" The red head asked, grinning, drawing out the 'chan'.

"Would you like to be called Karma Chan?" Nagisa asked, walking out of the room, his friend behind him.

Karma let out a laugh, earning glances from nearby students.

"We're gonna be late for class...." Nagisa stated, looking up at a clock in the hallway. Speeding up, the blue haired boy quickly but quickly, ran down the hall, zipping past any teacher he saw.

"Aw Nagisa." Karma smirked as they reached their next class. "We you planning to leave me behind?"

"Actually, yeah, kind of..." the said boy answered, walking in. "It didn't work though."

"Wow isn't someone moody today." Karma notes, strolling into the room, taking a seat behind his friend. "Are you on your period of something?"

Nagisa blushed, as nearby classmates turned their heads to stare.

"Karma!" Nagisa hissed. "Of course not!"

Karma grinned, enjoying Nagisa's embarrassment.

"What's that Nagisa chan?" He asked innocently in a loud voice.

"Karma kun! Nagisa kun!"

"Haruhi..." Nagisa sighed in relief, glad that someone was putting a stop to his torture.


So my phone is still dying and I'm gonna try to make a part two of Karma's pictures. In the next chapter when I decide to update of course. This chapter had nothing to do with assassination classroom, but once in a while of watching Nagisa get tormented by Karma is fine right? Right???

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