Chapter 1: The Contract

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You've been part of the mafia for years it's been part of your whole life. It's never been so powerful till you were in charge. Yet everyone doubted you, you're a girl that's too emotional and sweet to run a mob. Little did they know you would become the most powerful mobster in all of England. Of course, there's always been competition with other mobs wanting the power but never like this before. 

For the last year, Tom Holland has been trying to take your power and your mob but has failed many times. You thought it was cute how he tried so hard but yet he had so many flaws in his plans they always failed. He would be a good mob leader one day but his father Dom let him have the power too soon. 

After a year you finally got Tom to come to your office to discuss the matters at hand. You were waiting patiently behind the desk prepared for the worst with your feet propped up on the desk. One of your men escorted Tom in and directed for him to sit in front of the desk. You noticed a blonde haired man and two brown-haired twins follow him in. You looked up at him and said "So Holland what is your goal here today." " Well darling I'm here to take your power, and I don't think anything can stop me." He smirked in a way that made your body tingle. "What makes you think that Holland?" 

He takes his phone out of his pocket and makes a call, he told the guy on the phone to bring the two in. The door opened as you saw your parents tied up, two of his men pushed them to the ground and pointed guns at their heads. Your men quickly pointed their guns at Tom, as you brought out your handgun from the desk drawer and placed it on the desk. "Well holland nice job, but now you put me in a position to personally take care of someone today. You messed with the wrong girl and now you're going to pay." He turns to the blonde haired man and smirks the man nods to Tom and he looks you in the eyes. "Darling I see your right-hand man isn't by your side today, is there a reason?" "Oh Holland I'm not that stupid he's outside watching the rest of your men." You see him look at the twins and they leave the room, coming back with your best friend and right-hand man Zane. He was beaten up badly and you could see the black eye coming too. They pushed him to the floor by your parents. 

You pick up the gun and pointed it at Tom as you say "hand them over or this will get bloody." He starts to chuckle and says "Don't let your emotions get in the way of your job dear. Shoot me and my men will shoot all three of them, and you don't want that now do you. So I suggest you give up and you get them back." "Holland you're lucky I'm in a generous mood today, see I had a plan for when you actually got the guts to do something mob leader worthy. Quite frankly I thought there was some time and I don't like this plan either, but this will have to do." You open a drawer and pull out a file and push it over to Tom. He reads through it and looks at you and asks " Can I add a few conditions?" "Well, Holland you could but you have Zane tied up so he can't look over it so if you let him go I will allow it." He motions for the blonde haired man to untie Zane. 

Zane walks over to stand by you, Tom starts to write a bit and hands the file over to Zane. Your best friend has never seen the file before as he reads it he looks at you confused. He didn't understand why you would do this or how you could be happy again but for the mob, he understood why. He handed it to you, you opened the file and signed the contract, while sighing. Tom took the file and signed right below your name "So darling when's the wedding?" He joked and his men started to laugh but you got up and opened a cabinet door to the right of you and took out a document and said "Honey did you forget it's right now just sign where it says to" 

You both signed yet again another document, but this time you were now officially married to a man you grew to hate, so you can both run the mafia together. "Well, darling I guess I'll have a car for you to come and get you and some of your things, till then." He then walked out of the room with his men following. You scurried over to your parents and untied them then quietly made your way to your room where you remained all night.

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