Chapter 3: My Husband?

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After hours of driving into the middle of nowhere the limo drives through a gate. It pulls up in front of a courtyard where you can see Tom waiting with the same three men from the yesterday. Tom walks over and opens the door, Zane gets out first and puts his hand out to help you. You take his hand while you smirk at Tom making him say "Excuse me you are aware we're married now mate the least you could've done was let me help her out." "Holland I doubt you want to test me right now." 

You can tell both of them are ready to start a fight so you walking past them both making your way to the three men. "Well now since I'm your new boss I should learn your names." The blonde man replies with "I'm Harrison and these are Tom's brothers Harry and Sam." "This is Zane," you say pointing towards him. You turn to face Tom "So am I going to get a tour or something?" "Oh yeah, right this way darling" he takes your hand but you pull away and put your hands in your pockets. 

He leads you up the sets through the huge arched door. You're greeted with an inviting hallway with some of the staff lined up to the right of you. "Since you are permanently staying here with me I thought you should get to know the main staff, this is Charlotte the head maid, Rick the gardener, Nick the cook, and these four will be your security, yes I know you have your own but they are ordered to watch you by me. This is Joe, Asher, Emery, and Ivy I figured she could become one of your friends since you don't have a best friend that's a girl." "Excuse me Holland but I have a best friend who is Zane, are you trying to get rid of him?" "Darling of course not I just assumed you would need some support from someone who could relate to you more." "I'm sorry but you assumed wrong. Oh, and my things and my best men will be here shortly you'll need to find Ted for any questions you may have. Hey, Charlotte can you show me and Zane to our rooms, is it possible for them to be right next to each other." "Yes ma'am I can and Mr. Holland already arranged for your rooms to be next door. Just follow me, ma'am." 

You follow Charlotte through the huge mansion passing by doors after doors. "This is Tom's room and right across the hall here to the right is your room ma'am" she opens the door and you walk into a sitting room with a flat screen tv. You walk further in walking through a doorway to the bedroom, the bed was king sized and centered perfectly with a dresser on the other wall across the bed and another tv was mounted above it. A vanity sat to the left corner of the room sitting by the bathroom. You see there's a porch with the windows and glass door allowing the sun to hit the bed perfectly. You see a hall with three doors in it. The first one is a walk-in closet, the second is an empty room except for all the shelves. You open the third one just as Charlotte says "This is Zane's room." Zane walks in exploring his room, you walk towards your bed sitting on it. 

You pull out your phone from your purse about to text Ted to see where he is till you hear a knock at the door. You walk through the sitting room and open the door to the sight of Tom. "Hello there darling, I thought I should show you our office." "About time Holland." You walk out into the hallway, Tom puts his hand on the small of your back as he leads you throughout the halls. You reach a door that he motions for you to open, so you do and you are intrigued. You see family photos of Toms and his personal things he's placed around the room. It makes you want to ask him questions to get to know him, but you also didn't care to at the same time. 

You sit down in one of the chairs behind the desk. You see a drawer with papers sticking out, you open it to see a file labeled y/n y/l/n. You look up at Tom and say "You looked me up?" "Darling you are a mobster how was I supposed to trust you." Those words never hurt you before till then, you rush out of the office and towards your room. When you reach the door to your room you suddenly turn and open Toms. You start to search his room looking for something, anything that would tell you he was a good person that wasn't as shit as he seemed. You didn't feel so bad since he was your husband and he looks you up. 

"What in the bloody hell did you just do to my room?" You get up and turn towards him and say "It's pretty pathetic when you have a drawer of condoms that are all expired, Holland." You brush past him and walk into your room locking the door. Tom was shocked, he didn't like you before but what you just did what you said to him, changed his mind about you. He knew he wasn't like a husband at all to you, but in that moment he wanted you, all of you.

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