Chapter 22: Pain Again

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I pulled the trigger on the gun first, then he did. I thought that I would have fallen like him. Then I heard her screaming and I knew he didn't aim for me. What's worse than dying is seeing the person you love die right in front of you. I reach towards her and untie the restraints that held her to the bed. "Y/N, it's going to be okay, you just need to stay with me." Blood gushed from her stomach. Her cries of pains stopped as she tried to drift off.

After I got her untied I picked her up. I ran out of the room, trying to find my way back to get Carson and Harrison. As I ran a guy stopped me. "What happened to her, I can help just take her back to the room." "No, get out of my way!" I shouted at the man. "I'm a doctor. I can help you just need to let me." "We can't do it here, get anything you need to help her now and meet me outside." He ran back to the room I just left and I continued to run.

Time seemed to go by too fast. Like all the clocks have sped up, leaving her less and less time. I break into the room and stated, "We need to go, now" "I ran out of the room trying to get out to our car as fast as I can. Carson and Harrison weren't too far behind, I could hear their faint panting from afar. I really hope the doctor will actually help her, and not question what happened or lead Charles' men to us.

I reach the well-hidden SUV and lay her down in the back. I sit down so her head is rested on my leg. I see Carson and Harrison has found the doctor as they all run toward the car. Carson gets into the drivers' side, Harrison in the passengers, and the doctor in the back with us.

The doctor started to work on her, but I lost focus on everything except her. I admired her face, pulling my fingers through her hair. God, I hope she will be okay. I don't know what I would do without her. I haven't known her my whole life, only about three months. I knew of her existence before then but never knew her as a person. I'm so glad I didn't kill her that day in her office, or any of her people.

I've learned so much about her and I don't think I could live a happy life without her. She has a unique smile that you rarely see with her serious personality. She is such a hard worker and it shows in her work, just this whole situation is a great example.

I have been distracted lately with my work, and the trip I had to go on didn't help. Maybe if I listened to her longer I would have known how far she was on the case. I should have given her the ring before I left.

I should have never gone on the trip.

I should have never gone on the trip!

I should have never gone on that damn trip! I had the intuition that something bad was going to happen. And something did, I wasn't there to protect her, only Harrison was. I'm glad at least he was there. He cares for her almost as much as I do. I couldn't get any better protection for her then myself. He did as much as he could and I am grateful for that. If only he told me sooner, but then again any secret someone tells me I can't keep to myself until everyone in the world knows.

I could never forgive myself if she dies because of that bastard, because of me. I bet I know exactly what went through his head that moment, 'If I can't have her then no one can have her. Especially him.'

I love her so much, I can't bear to see her die. Not yet, and not for a very long time. I want to grow old with her. Sometimes when you fall in love you just know you are meant to be with that person. Like you knew them for a lifetime. I love her, and I always will, no matter what.

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