Chapter 4: I'll come to dinner

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It's been a week since you moved into Tom's mansion. You rarely saw him, but then again you mostly were in your room unpacking your things. You were mostly done unpacking and wanted to explore the mansion. You walk out into the hall and turn to theft left passing Zane's room. You walk down a set of stairs that led all the way to the basement.

When you walk into the basement you hear music playing, you try to find where it's coming from, the music brought you to grey double doors. You open the doors, you immediately see Tom working out in his gym. He stops doing crunches and gets up walking towards you. "What did I do to deserve your presence?" "You did nothing I was just walking around." You can't help but notice his abs as he just looks at you thinking. His hair curled more than usual, probably because he is really sweaty.

"You know, you could join me for dinner tonight if you would like darling." "Is this like a date?" He walks closer to you only inches away, he looks into your eyes and says "I think I should get to know my wife, don't you want to get to know me." "I found enough searching your room a couple days ago, especially when I opened your dresser drawer." "You think your so funny don't you?" You place your hand on Tom's shoulder, you gaze into his beautiful chocolate eyes for a moment when you say "I'll come to dinner."

You try to walk out but Tom takes your hand and pulls you back. You thought he was about to kiss you but he just looked at you admiring your facial features. After a while he finally says "Please dress formally, I'll come to pick you up at your room at seven." He releases your hand and replaces it with the small of your back walking you to the door. He opens it and you say "I'll see you tonight, Holland."

You walk towards the stairs seeing an elevator out of the Conner of your eye. You continue towards the stairs though, having no actual reason. You walk up to the next floor, you see another set of double doors and walk into a pool. The pool was on the ground which you notice cause the walls are made of glass. The beautiful view distracted you from seeing Harrison, Sam, and Harry in the pool.

"Hey y/n, what are you doing?" Sam said it as if he forgot you lived there. "Well, Sam I was just looking for you three." You lied, but then again you did need their help. "Really why's that?" Harrison and Harry looked at him as if he was crazy. "I would like to spend the next couple of hours with you three to get to know you." You knew very well that they would help you shop for a dress and you will get to know them as well.

They start to whisper amongst themselves. Harrison looks to you and says "We'll go for the fact that we are completely bored and Tom is nowhere to be seen." "Ok well, it will be one thirty in ten minutes, meet me then in the courtyard at my car." They all nodded and you walked out and towards your room.

You walk in to see Zane waiting in the sitting room "Where were you?" "I was exploring, and now I'm going out with Harrison, Harry, and Sam. Then I'm having dinner with Tom tonight." "So you made plans without me?" Zane had feelings for you, he always has, but now he feels that you may actually fall for Tom. "Well I mean yeah, you can go out with us if you want." "Nah I'll stay here you go have fun if anything hap-" "if anything happens to call you, you've been telling me that for years." You say his famous quote for him and give him a hug.

"Ok well I got to get going I'll see you later Zane." He waves goodbye and you walk out of your room making your way to the front of your house. You walk outside to your car where Harrison, Harry, and Sam are waiting. You see them look up to you and Harrison says "Hey, y/n." "Ok, Harrison gets into the front seat, sorry twins you're in the back." You get into the driver's seat and start driving as you say "Guess what, we are going to go shopping."

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