Chapter 8: He's Alive

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You woke up In your bed in the black dress from last night. You rubbed your eyes open to see Tom sitting in a chair pulled up closer to the bed. You get out of the bed and walk over to your bathroom to take a shower. When you get out of the bathroom Tom is still asleep on the chair so you walk softly to your closet. You change into a loose short sleeve blue dress, you then slip on some black heels. You walk out to see Tom still asleep so you poked his arm till he awoke. "Good morning darling." His raspy morning voice causes you to smile faintly. "Good morning Holland." "How long have you been up?" "A good forty-five minutes. Question, why are you in my room sleeping in that chair." "Well I carried you up here after you fell asleep, Zane was waiting for you so I talked to him a bit, then I talked to my Harrison and the twins, oh and Sam is taking a break for a while. Then I tried to sleep but I couldn't because of what Zane said so I walked over here to make sure you were okay. Then I sat down and I guess I fell asleep."

"That's sweet of you. What did he say?" "That's for him to tell you." "Okay since you aren't going to tell me, then you have to get ready for a meeting." "What meeting?" "A very interesting meeting with some very interesting people who pay well." "That sounds good darling, but why are you dressing up?" "You will see how I work today and why I do it." "Okay give me like ten minutes to get ready." "Okay, Holland I'll meet you in my office." "Incorrect, it was my office but now it's our office." "Fine, I'll meet you in our office." He walks out of your room to go to his, you grab a black blazer and stick your gun in the inside pocket. You thought about waking Zane so he could come, but then you thought that you, Tom, and Harrison will have it under control. You walk out of the room, close the door and walk to the office. 


After a good twenty minutes, Tom walks in to see you sitting, Harrison standing behind you, and to young men in their early twenties sitting in front of the desk. Tom takes a seat next to you. "So Y/n who are these young men?" "This is Benny and Ivan Rivers, they work for their Father Flynn." "Okay, so can one of you tell me what your father does and why you are here today?" Ivan looks to Benny and then back to Tom and states "Our father uses his money to gather information from crime bosses, but while doing that he needs someone to cover up his 'mistakes'," he looks over to you and mumbles "today we didn't come to cover up for our father we came to tell you some information he has recently acquired." "Ivan, what information?" You mumbled it confused and worried. 

Benny starts with "You have a brother, that is dead" You swallow hard and fight back a daring tear. "Flynn sent us to tell you that he's not dead, he is very much alive." "How?" "We don't know much, but everything you need is in these files." "I watched him die in front of me, there's no way he is alive." Tom puts his hand on your knee, trying to comfort you. "Harrison please escort them out." Harrison nods his head and walks over to them, they get up and Benny drops the files on the desk towards you. Harrison walks them out and closes the door. 

"Y/n, you need to tell me what happened to your brother." "You have a file about me isn't it in there?" "All it says is that he's dead, I need to know everything if we are going to do something, okay." 

"We were dealing with Erik Russ one of the many mob bosses that tried to take over mine. Zane wasn't there he took the day off, anyway, we've been fighting with Erik for about six months till he kidnapped my brother Carson. He locked Carson up in my old office tied him to a chair and taped his mouth shut. All of his men were on the perimeter disguised as my own men and when I walked into that office I saw him beaten up badly with all of his men pointing guns at his head. I immediately brought my gun out and shot two of his men till Erik said if I make any moves he would kill my Carson, Zane, and my parents. Then he grabbed me and shoved me into a chair and said 'Honey there's nothing you can do now except give up' little did he know that he sat me down right where a secret compartment was that had another gun. He only brought six of his men in and two were already dead, I only had to shoot the four. I quietly grabbed the gun and waited for the right moment to shoot his men. I shot them and they died but Erik didn't care, he never did. He didn't have his gun on him he left it on the desk, which was foolish. So as he reached for his gun I shot at him, but only hitting the stomach. He reached for the gun and shot the closest person to him, Carson. Right through the head. Out of anger, I shot Erik again just as he did my brother." 

"Y/n, that's horrible. I didn't know you were there or even killed Erik yourself. If there's a chance that he is alive don't you want to take it?" "No, because he is dead, and I know he is dead." Tom takes the file and opens it up, "Y/n who he shot wasn't your brother it says it here in these plans they made someone look like him. And in these notes, it says they couldn't find him so they used someone else." "But why would he have shot him then?" "So his son would know that if he doesn't come back then they are all dead." "Wait so that mafia is still around." "I Guess they've been in hiding for the last two years." "Then where is Carson?" "In hiding, says that they are continuing to search for him, one of there men leaked the original plans of actually kidnapping him and killing him so he went into hiding." 

You get out your chair and walk to the door as you open it you stammered "Don't bother me till you have found Carson's current location. If you don't I will find him, and take care of you and your incompetent men." You slam the door leaving Tom worried, but he knows you have more power than he does so he begins searching.  

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