Chapter 9: Of Course I Found Him

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You storm into Zane's room where he remains still asleep. You turn all the lights on, open the curtains, and tear the blankets off of him. When he doesn't wake up you whisper in his ear Carson is alive. He jolts up frantically and mumbles "What? How?" "Zane I'm in no mood to deal with you, just get up and help Tom, he will explain everything." "Y/n." "Just go, now." You raised your voice slightly as you spoke. He got up and scurried to get ready, after about five minutes he was about to leave till he looked over to you. He could tell that you were confused and shocked. He knew those emotions didn't go well together with you. "Y/n are you ok?" "I'm fine." 

He nods his head and walks out of his room and you walk into yours. You step out onto your porch to sit down, you bring your hands to your face and sob.


Zane opens the door to the office and shouts out "Carson is alive?" "Oh hey Zane, um according to these files he is, go ahead and take a look." He hands the files over to Zane, he flips through the file quickly, "Holy crap he's alive." "Yeah he is, why are you here anyway?" "Y/n told me to help you." "Did she threaten to kill you if you don't?" "Um...No, why?" "She did to me. Make yourself useful and help me find him." "Sure, I would love to help find my best mate." Zane goes to sit and realizes there is no map, "Where's the map." "What do you mean?" 

Zane leaves the room and comes back with a map of the world. "Tom, Carson is very smart. If he is alive he isn't able to contact us but he assumes that we will find out he is alive. Since we have his previous locations we just need to figure out the pattern so we will know where he will be next." "You are a genius." Tom watches marveled as Zane works. 

Zane jumps up and shouts "He's going to Kansas!" "And you're positive?" "I'm very positive." "Where in Kansas?" "A small town called Milford." "This is good, you try to figure out where he will be and stuff, I'm going to go let Y/n know." "Why can't I tell her?" "She's still mad at you. I mean if you told her the other stuff as well then you can tell her, but you're not so I will." "Fine." Tom heads out of the room to find you. 


You sit up to the sound of someone sliding the glass door open. You turn and see it's Tom, you wipe your tears from your face to turn and say "Hey."  "Y/n, what's wrong?" "Um...I-It's a little overwhelming wh-when you find out your brother who-who you thought was dead is actually alive." You stuttered softly. Tom sits down on the patio couch with you and puts his arm around you. You lay your head on his shoulder and he puts his hand through your hair, combing it gently. "Milford, Kansas." "Huh?" "That's where Carson is." "You found him, even after I threatened you." "Darling, I would do anything for you. No matter what has happened I will be by your side. I will fight for you any day over and over." 

"Aw, how sweet you prepared a speech to confess your love to me, just a bit too soon and definitely the wrong time too." "I wasn't confessing my love to you I was telling you...That I...Um...Want you...Happy and I will always try to help." "Sure." "I'm going to get the plane arranged for tonight, I suggest you start packing, darling." "We can leave tomorrow Tom." "No we need to get to him as soon as we can, plus I figured you'd want to see him." "Thanks." You hug Tom, he puts his arms around you with his hand through your hair. You pull away so you can start packing as you open the doors you mumble "If you need me I'll be packing." You walk in and Tom follows you "Y/n, you really think you can just leave like that?" "Um...Yeah." "Darling, I need a kiss."

 You sigh and walk back towards him "Fine." You reach up to give him a soft, quick kiss on his lips. "Tom I need to pack." "Fine go pack." Tom walks out of the room leaving you alone to pack. 

Instead of packing dresses, you pack jeans, shorts, sweatpants, and some shirts. You haven't worn clothes like that since the last trip you took out of the country to meet up with your parents during the summer, only a month before you thought your brother died. You pack your favorite shoes, black converse, some slides, and black slip-on shoes. After an hour you finally gathered everything you needed. 

You were about to leave your room till you heard knocking at the door. You open it to see Harrison standing in the doorway. "Hey, Haz." "Hey, can I come in?" "Sure." You both sit in armchairs beside each other. "What's up?" "Do you like Tom?" "Yeah he is great, I really did underestimate his abilities before." "Not what I meant Y/n." "Oh you mean if I like love him. I don't think I should tell you that, you are his best mate and all." "I promise I won't tell him, I just need to know so I can look out for him and so I can place everyone on the plane accordingly." "Fine, I'll tell you, but first you must tell me what Zane said to Tom last night." "Yeah that some serious stuff between you and Zane I'm not getting into that." "Why will no one tell me." "Becuase that is for Zane to tell you. Now just tell me." "Yes I like him romanticly, it's just to soon to say if I love him, I know he feels the same, he practically just confessed it to me a while ago. It's just I want to take it slowly to be sure." "Wow, when's the wedding?" "It already happened Haz." "Oh yeah." 

"You are done packing right?" "Yes, why?" The plane is here early and tom sent me to get you." "Then why did we sit and talk?" "I just wanted to know how you feel about him." "Of course you did, now let's go." You grab your suitcase and put on your blazer with your gun. You and Harrison walk to the main corridor, out the doors, to be greeted by a brown-haired mobster standing outside of a black SUV. You call out to him "Where's the plane?" "Just about 45 minutes away. The sooner you get in the car the sooner we get there." You walk over to the car and Harrison takes your suitcase and puts it in the back. You get into the car and Tom sits next to you, Harrison notices the look to gives him so he gets into the passenger seat to let you two be alone. 

"Tom, where are Zane and Harry?" "I sent them over about an hour ago to check on the plane. Turns out it is ready early so we are going now." "You made sure that Erik's son has no idea about us leaving?" "Yes I made sure to keep him distracted, I left Sam in charge of that." "You let him come back from his 'break'?" "Yeah, I had to since I will be gone from the business for a while. Plus it is still a break since I'm not letting him come." "Where will we be landing?" "Manhattan, then we will drive over to the house that I have purchased in Milford by the lake." "You bought a house." "Yeah, I figured we could go vacation there sometimes." "Like us-us." "Yeah." You smile widely and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes at your actions so he stares out the window to hide it, all he sees is the countryside moving by as the car drives closer and closer to his plane. 

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