Chapter 18: Why Him?

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Tom went to see Benny Rivers yesterday to get the information I demanded. I didn't sleep all night I kept flipping through every page of the huge file. To me, it seems like Benny has been looking for anything that could lead to the people that have targeted his father. There are possible suspects, things that he gathered from the package he received, things he picked up on survaliance footage, and what went down while we were in Kansas.

There's a lot of good information in this file, but my main concern is the number of pages that involve the Russ mob. Apparently, the new leader is Charles Russ, Erik Russ's son. Finally can put a name to the enemy. Benny obviously believes that he did it, even the evidence proves it. But something is missing. I know it was the Russ mob, the evidence proves it, they have all the right motives, but why kill Zane and not me, or Carson, or even Tom? Why Zane? Yeah, it negatively impacted me but from this file, they had no idea of Zane. I guess living in the shadows you receive bad information.

Tom is leaving tonight for a business trip, something about someone not paying and keep their mouth shut. When people talk to me, I don't really hear them I just hear myself think inside my head trying to figure out more of what happened. It's not that I don't want to listen I just can't focus anymore.

Anyways I need to stop writing or I'll lose the opportunity to see Tom before he leaves for the next three days.


"Hey, are you almost done packing?" You said leaning on the bedroom doorway. "Yeah, the private jet is going to be here in an hour." "Who's going with you?" "Just Harry and Sam." "What about Haz?" "Well if I can't be here I want someone I can trust to protect you." "Nothing is going to happen you have made this place more secure than the royal castle." "Well, I doubt they have a chance of the Russ mob to attack them." "Okay, true. I found more information going through the file."

"I feel like you pay more attention to that file than you do me." "Well, I love you more than the file. Does that reassure you?" "Yeah, so what did you find?" He asked curiously with a gentle smile. "Plenty of things. But it all makes sense except for the fact that they went after Zane, they didn't even know I brought him into my mob. Why wouldn't they have shot you, or Carson, or me?" "Maybe they didn't care who they hurt, they just wanted to cause pain. Or maybe they missed shooting someone else and hit him." "Could be."

"Do you remember everything that happened that day?" "Mostly, there are parts that are missing but reading it over and over I connected it together." "Reading it is not the same as living it or hearing it. If you want when I get back I can tell you what you don't remember, and even the parts that you weren't there for." "No, I'm not really ready to hear it yet." "I completely understand."

He waved you over, so you walked over. He wrapped his arms around you, with his hand tangled in your hair. "I'm going to miss you." "Duh, I would miss me too." You said jokingly. "Haha so funny." "I'll miss you too." "Are you sure you are going to be okay for the next few days?" "I'm going to be fine, Harrison is forced to stay here with me by you remember? Did you even tell him?" He smiled. "Of course I didn't tell him yet, then he would just get mad." "He's going to get upset no matter what, you fool. You guys have been best friends for years and you still yet to get to know him." "Yes he is going to get mad, but this way I don't have to deal with it, you do." "That's not fair." "No, it isn't."

He kissed you on the lips, long enough to last for a while. It was the last kiss you would get from Tom for more than just three days, but you aren't that far in the future yet. He pushed your hair behind your ear and kissed you quickly and gently on the lips once again. "I really don't want to leave you." He mumbled in her ear, wanting to trust his instincts and not go. "You need to go. I will see you again in three days, all of us here will be just fine." "Okay, well if I'm going to go, it's time." "Well then go I'm just going to go back to my office to work some more." "I'll walk you there, and when I meet up with Harrison I'll send him to your office. Don't work too late, you need to sleep." "Okay, and I plan on sleeping tonight, unlike last night."

He grabs his bag with one hand and puts his other around your waist. You both walk out of the room, and you shut the door closed.


"Hey, Y/N." "Oh, hey Haz." You said while looking at one of the many whiteboards. "What are you looking at?" "Just things concerning the murder." "Have you ever thought to take a break from this for a day or two, nobody has seen you?" "No, not till I kill the person that killed Zane." "That may not be for a while." "It depends." "Depends on what?"

You turn around to look him in the eyes. "I know who killed him, I just don't get why. Have a look in this file." You hand him the file. "In the meanwhile, I'm going to go to bed. Let me know in the morning what you think." "Okay, I'm guessing this will take me all night." "Yep, sure will. There's a coffee pot over there if you need, just made some." You said pointing to the table in the corner. "Why would you make it if you are going to bed?" "Because I knew you would ask questions. See you in the morning."

You walked out of the room with a smile on your face. Smiling for the fact that maybe you won't have to work it completely alone. Even though you have Tom, he knows too much about you to stay serious. Harrison remained in the room with the heavy file flipping through it, with a smile on his face for reasons he could never admit.

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