Chapter 15: Still Here, But Not For Long

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I'm writing this because the doctors said it could help, help with the pain I feel inside and out. I didn't think this was all real at first. Ever since I woke up from the coma two weeks after his death. Everyone tells me that I was awake until I got into the car when my tears turned into a heavy sleep. Good thing Andie was right next to me, but to the extent of my injuries, they decided to take me to a hospital. As soon as I was stable they had me transferred to a hospital in London. 

I've been in this hospital for a month now, meaning in a week from now he has been dead for two months. They all keep telling me to stop counting the days, weeks, and months since he's died. I find it easier knowing how long since I lost time in the coma. 

I don't really know when the doctors will let me leave, but then again Tom won't let the doctors discharge me until I'm completely healed. I rather stay here, the nurses are very nice, I'm definitely going to stay in touch with Doris. She can tell that Tom cares a lot about me, given me advice, every day she tells me he is a "keeper" and I should never leave him or let him leave. 

I've been okay as much as I can be. Zane would want me to live on, not let this stop me, to not dwell on his death. His absence causes a melancholy feel throughout my body, but they said it is normal. 

I want to see him again but it's too late now. I want to talk to him about it all. I want to tell him how I feel over his death, his own death, if only. 

Tom hasn't let me work, work on anything. So I asked Haz to bring me something, anything to work on. Of course, he had to say no. Then I begged Harry to bring me the leads on Zane's killers, he brought them to me late one night. Sadly there is nothing on them, its the smallest file I've opened. 

Since I have nothing to do except lie on a bed I was suggested to write. So this is the first thing I wrote about. Life after Zane. It will be hard but I will continue to write about it every so often. 


Tom walks into the recovery room, sees you curled up into a ball sleeping. It hurts everytime he walks in and sees you like this. He did make the doctors keep you there till you were completely healthy, luckily in a couple of days, you can come home. He hasn't told you yet. He wanted to surprise you with getting out, then a date, then who knows. You were finally better, strong, and healthy. 

Tom lies down beside you and puts his arms around you, leaving a gentle kiss on your temple. He whispers into your ear "Hello darling". You turn your body to look at his beautiful deep brown eyes. "Well, hello, I didn't think you were coming till later." "Guess what?" "What?" "We are going out soon." "What?" You questioned with a puzzled look. "In two days we are going out." "Really, I thought I can't leave till I'm better." "You are better. So I'm taking you on a date." "I don't even know what to say except thank you." "You don't need to thank me. Just make sure you are ready for your first night of 'freedom'."

"Tom, I don't have anything to wear I've been stuck in a hospital for two months." "Well, remember Ivy, tomorrow she is coming over to help you find an outfit and bring stuff so the next day you can get ready." "Ivy is one of the security guards right?" "Yes." "Oh yeah, I remember her, is she okay with doing that?" "Yes, she is she wants to do anything she can to help." "That's so nice of her." "Yeah that's one of the many reasons I trust her, I really do hope you guys can be friends." "Again with us being friends?" "Ha ha." 

Doris walks in to check my fluids and chart. "Hello there Miss Y/n and Mr. Holland. Why so happy faces?" "I'm getting discharged in two days and Tom is going to take me out after." You remarked while sitting up. "Really? That sounds so exciting, where are you taking her Tom?" "I can't say it's a surprise." "Oh, really," she looks over to you "how long till you think he accidentally tells you?" "I give it till tomorrow." Doris starts t chuckle. "Well, I'll leave you two alone." She says as she walks out of the room. 

You and Tom stayed snuggled up for a while till Tom breaks the silence in the room. "Y/n, I sorry but I have to get back to work." "What kind of work?" "Some guy hasn't paid me yet." "Okay is it just a sit-down or warehouse bad?" "Hmm...I don't know, when you are cleared to work again then you can know more." "Ugh, this is so unfair." "I know but soon you can work." "Fine." 

Tom gets up, kisses you gently on your lips, then walks out of the room, he closes the door behind him, leaving you with you with your own excitement about the next couple days. 


The following day brings a brown-haired woman wearing a t-shirt and jeans to knock on the door of your hospital room. "Come in!" You shouted. The woman walks in enthusiastically, "Hey, I'm Ivy. Not sure if you remember me but I'm here to help you find something to wear." "Hey, please sit." You said gesturing towards the chair to the right of the bed. You were sitting crossed leg against the pillows you pulled to sit up. "I would sit but we have to get to work, someone should be bringing in the clothes any minute." 

Moments later a man pulls in a rack of clothes. He dismisses himself from the room. You immediately jump off the bed to start looking through the clothes. "Ivy do you know where Tom is taking me tomorrow night?" "Yes, only because he wants you to wear something appropriate to the occasion." "So you're not going to tell me, huh?" "Nope, sorry." "What would you wear to it?" "Well, I would wear something a cute, casual, and comfortable." "Okay. That's so much help." You said sarcastically. 

You looked throughout the clothes pulling a pair of ripped jeans out, and a black t-shirt. "What about this?" "I would add a jean jacket or maybe a flannel to tie around the waist." "Yes, the flannel is a great idea. How about this black and red one?" You asked pulling the flannel off the hanger. "That one would match perfectly, I think a pair of white converse or brown sandals would go with it very well." "I didn't even think about shoes. I'd prefer to wear converse." "Okay well, I think you got your outfit all set. Here are any makeup and hair products you might need. It's not much but it is the basics." She said handing over a make-up bag. "Oh, thank you." "Well I guess my work here is done, I hope you guys have fun tomorrow." "Thank you so much for your help." "It's no problem, see ya later." "Bye." She walks out of the room dragging the rack out with her. 

You crawl back into your bed. Counting down the seconds till you get to leave and go on your date with Tom. 

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