Chapter 2: I'm ok Zane, Really

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Once you got to your room you plopped onto your bed. You grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. You only just realized you were married to a man you hate. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to live in his place instead of yours. What were you going to do with this huge mansion, you thought of handing it over to your parents but they don't have too many good experiences that happened there including today's events. 

You bring your head up when you here knocking at the door but ignored it and continued to stress over Tom, the marriage, and why the bloody hell you just did that. "Y/n can I come in I think you need to talk to someone before you find something to stress drink with" how could Zane be sarcastic right now, he was right though. You didn't want your best friend to see you like this, so instead of letting him in you got up and sat by the door. "Why didn't you stop me from signing that contract?" "Y/n, it seemed as if no one could talk you out with me and your parents on the line. I know it was hard based on what happened last time when someone wanted the power but I am a little shocked that this was your back up plan." "Zane I don't want to talk about this I have to pack, you should go pack to cause you're coming with me.

You got up and made your way to the dresser opening the top drawer. You started taking out the clothes that you think you need. Once you reached the last drawer you find a box, the memory hit you in the face. It made you tear up the thought of him and what happened years ago, but he's gone now and he wouldn't want to see you like this he would want you to be strong. You closed the drawer and walked away towards the closet grabbing more clothes. You find your dresses all being either black, blue, or red. You remember which dresses you wear for different occasions. The black is for when your work gets really dirty, the blue is when you first encounter a client as Zane calls it, the red really just depends. 

It's been hours since Zane went to talk to y/n, she didn't even come out to eat dinner, he was worried. He knew you would just push him away but he decided to come and give you something to eat. You hear him knock on the door and drop something at the door, he didn't even try to talk to you he didn't try to help you. You really did want to talk to him now, you wanted him to open that door and just let you cry in his shoulder. He didn't try and it hurt you. Zane wasn't like your parents he would've come in to help you he seemed to care for you when they didn't. Your parents on the other hand probably just asked Zane to borrow the driver so they could go home or something. You were confused as to why he didn't come in and bring the food, you knew something must be bothering him. 

After you were done packing you looked at your phone seeing many texts from Zane and your parents but you mostly noticed the time it was midnight. You collapsed on to your bed and soon after fell asleep. 

You awoke to loud pounding on the door. You yelled, "Come in Zane!" The door opens as he says "You know your late right the car is on its way." You jump up quickly looking up at your phone it was ten o'clock. "Zane I'm getting in the shower, can you get one of my dresses out?" You walk into the bathroom and close the door. Zane does as you ask putting out one his favorite dresses of yours the short-sleeved blue dress that comes right above the knee. He walks around the room with a bag to collect anything you need you might've forgotten. You walk out of the bathroom seeing the dress on the bed and say "Thanks Zane can you get my makeup and bathroom stuff to please?" He walks into the bathroom cleaning up the stuff into the bag you left in there. You slip the dress on and grab your grey blazer and put it on. You take your gun out of the nightstand drawer and slip it into the inside pocket. You grab your purse as Zane comes out and asks "Are you ready my dear?" "Zane, I most certainly am, escort me out for the last time?" "I'm sure today won't be the last, but of course I will." 

You walk through your mansion possibly for the last time and reach the front of the house. You turn to face Zane and say "Ted will bring our things so you can come with me. I'm sorry that you have to do this." "Y/n you don't have to say sorry, you did what you had to do. I could never be mad or upset over this. This is the push you need to finally get with a guy, it is a bit long term but it will help you." " You're not funny," you say walking out the doors to the black limo that awaited. He follows helping you in, he closes the door and looks at you "I'm ok Zane, really." He nods as the limo drives away taking them away from your beautiful mansion.

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