Chapter 18- The end of...

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I have exactly 5 hours until my newly founded father {Deadpool} is taken away from me by a dick called the Jester.

Dear Fucked up life, stop dicking around with me and fuck up somebody else life for the love of Bullet my newly found best friend (Cat).

Well I did go to the X-men and asked for there help but Logan just laughed in my face before slamming the door in my face. God, I hate that guy. I only had on resort left but I really didn't want to get them involved with my still crazy life.

I walked back to the apartment I promised myself I would never go back to but hey I am going to hell anyway might as well break some promises and get a good seat there. I nodded of the door and Foggy answered.

"OMG, Matt you will never guess who is at the door." Yelled Foggy

"Stiles, what are you doing here?"

"I need your help." I simply said

"Well sit of the couch and tell us what's wrong." Said Foggy

"Well do you know that Gas station that blow up on 23rd?" I asked as both of them nodded

"Well that was me, I was being chased by the police and they opened fire and it hit gasoline that I put on the floor making it explode anyway that didn't stop the police from chasing me, long story short I meet a mercenary Called Deadpool and we practically become family."

"We went on a mission yesterday to save Anthony Stark from a person that calls himself the Jester, I saved Anthony but there was no sign of deadpool so I collected the money and went home thinking he would be there, surprise he wasn't." I said with a sigh

"Anyway I get a phone call from the Jester that said if I didn't bring Anthony back to him , I would never see Deadpool again.... I just can't lose another family." I said with tears burning in my eyes

"Please Matt, I now it's a lot to ask but can you please help me get him make?"

"Of course Stiles you're like a nephew to me and foggy." Said Matt

"We will leave a night fall."

"So you're a mercenary as well?" asked Foggy

"Yep." I said showing him my guns

"Okay please don't point them at me." He said as he put his hands up in surrender

"Foggy I can't even shoot you if I wanted to the safety is on." I told him

"Right, I knew that."

"So what do they call you, you know matt finally got his name?" asked foggy

"What's Matt's name?"

"Dare Devil." Answered Foggy

"Nice to see he kept to the theme of the Devil like I said."

"So what's yours?" asked Foggy curiously


"Like the girl in the fairy tail?" asked Matt making me death glare him

"No like the colour of my hoodie."

"So what are all your alias now?" asked foggy

"Well there is: Red, Deadpool Jr and Mischief Wilson."

When nightfall came.

Matt and I went to the warehouse. He stayed on the roof of the building as I entered.

"Are look who's here for you Deadpool, it's your son Red." Said the Jester prancing around a bloodied Deadpool trying on a chair.

"Give me my dad back you AssHat." I growled at him

"Red I told you not to come here, it's a trap." Murmured Deadpool as many armed men gathered around me

"Shit." I said as I pulled both of my guns out really to shoot.

"Silly little boy did you're really think you were leaving here alive?" asked the Jester

"Well you know that's the dream."

"I had a plan, it's clear you didn't." teased the Jester

"Didn't I?" I asked as the lights went out on que. {Thank you Foggy :)}

I put of the night vision goggles I kept in my hoodie for this and started shooting the armed men while Matt got my father out of here but then after 30 seconds the lights came back on.

All the armed men were dead on the concert floor and I was standing in the middle looking at the Jester with a sicking grin plastered on my face. Matt had did his job my father was no longer tied up chair near the Jester.

"Looks like you're the one not walking out of this one alive Jester." I said as I shot him and the head

His body fell to the floor in slow motion as blood leaked from where the bullet hit his head.

"One less asshole in the world." I mumbled to myself as I went back to Matt and Foggy's apartment were my father was.

"Well thank you Ninja for helping out of that shit show."

"He is known as the daredevil." Foggy pointed out

"Then he might went to rethink the whole wearing black thing then." Said My father as he went over to me on the couch.

"What you did was really stupid but you didn't die so I am proud of you taking down your 1st bad guy by yourself." He said as He hugged me.

"Love you too dad." I said hugging him back.

"Well we should go back home."

"Thank you so much for helping my son and me you are both invited over for Christmas." Said Deadpool as we left Matt and Foggy's apartment. 

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