Chapter 21-Magic

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"Two minutes. Stay close. " Steve told us

"You ready for this Mason."

"I was born ready." Mason replied causing me to snort 

"Dr. Cho!" Steve yelled finding the Doc hurt

"He's uploading himself into the body."

"Where?" asked Steve

"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark." said the good doctor

Just what we need another flipping infinity gem. God, I hope Ultron won't be about to use it, I don't think I can survive to hold another gem.

"First I have to find it.'

"Go." The doctor tells us 

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asked Clint and Natasha who were on the QuinJet through his comlink

 "We did."

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." Natasha told us

" There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."Clint told us 

"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."

"So piss off the Robot, that's something Stiles should be good at."

"Mason, you tail us in case we need a quick get away." I told him

"On it." He said as Steve and I jumped onto the roof of the truck

" No, no, no, no, no. Leave me alone!" said Ultron

"No, no, no and did I mention No," I said as Ultron blasts the truck door as steve and I try to enter 

" Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way."

"You're not a match for him, Cap." said Clint

"Thanks, Barton." said Steve as  Ultron blasts Steve as he tries to enter the truck, but Steve manages to get back onto the truck's roof. I sneak inside with Ultron, he hasn't noticed me yet.

"You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you."

Steve Rogers: "I wouldn't call it a comfort." said as he is fighting Ultron and I try to sneak up behind Ultron but fail and get blasted 

  "Stop it!" Said Ultron as he throws Steve shield aside and blasts him.

"We got a window. Four, three...give 'em hell." said clint to Natasha

"I'm always picking up after you boys." said Natasha 

 "They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot."

 "Which way?" Natasha asked Clint

"Hard right... Now. "

Natasha heads over the truck, she throws Steve back his shield and he uses it to knock off Ultron from him. I get back up after recovering from the blast. 

"That's going to hurt tomorrow." I thought to myself

Natasha said to the pedestrians on the pavement as she chases after the truck on her bike, " Out of the way! Coming through! Sorry, coming through!"

 Steve and I continues our battle with Ultron on the truck.

"Come on!"

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?" said Natasha 

"Mason what's your ETA?" I asked him 

"I thought you forgot about me."

"I am 10 minutes out."

"I may need an exit."

"I can make it in two." said Mason

We finally got the package 

"Nat! Cap, stiles, you see Nat?"

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" said Steve

"Do you have eyes on Nat?"


  Reluctantly Barton takes off in the Quinjet  

"Dam, where are you Aunt Nat." I said to myself as I see Mason 

"Good to see you man."

"Next time your the get away drive." mason told me

"How did you get on the train?" I asked him

"Magic ."

I rolled my eyes at his answer 

" I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." said Pietro 

"I'm very tempted not to give you one."

"And I am very tempted to kill both of you." I said growling flashing my blue eyes 

"The Cradle, did you get it?" asked Wanda

"Stark will take care of it."

"No, he won't." said Wanda

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy."

"That is debatable," I said as Steve elbows me 

"He will do anything to make things right."

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?"

" Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" asked Wanda 

"The interenet." I told her as she looked at me funny

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