Chapter 4- Hide and seek

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Bucky Pov:

It's been about a month but Steve and Maria Hill have cleared me for missions. Which is okay I guess. Wanda has gotten Hydra's words out of my head but my memories are still muddled up. I remember everything, it's just all messed up together. I give me a headache just thinking about it but the main thing I have remembered so far was the feelings I had for Stiles before I feel from the Train... When I 1st came here I felt drawn to him but I didn't understand why and now I do... It's because I still care about him. I have been avoiding him like the plague lately now that I think about it.

Flashback to last week:

I stopped in the hallway of the kitchen to hear

"Hey Mason, have you seen Bucky." asked Stiles

"I think he was in the gym."

"Thanks Mason." Stiles said as he was walking towards the hallway I was in. I panicked and opened the 1st door I saw and hide inside.

I sighed in relief as Stiles walked past not noticing me 

I then turn around to see Natasha and Bruce making out, I leave quietly so they don't realise I was there.

Where is the brain bleach when you need it?

Flashback end:

I walked into the meeting room to see Stiles, Maria and Steve.

"Glad you could join us, Buck, "

"You and Stiles will be going undercover together."' Maria Told me 

She said what now??!?!?!??!?!

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