Chapter 10- Let's Go Men

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My Platoon landed in the drop zone.

"Gear up, we roll out in 10." I told them, as they got ready

"What's your name kid?" I asked one of the soldiers

"Mason Holland, sir."

"And you." I asked the person next to him

"Uriel Rivers."

"Okay you two with me the rest of you wall be behind, we have a lot of walking in front of us ladies." I told them as we walked. I knew where we were going, I remember in the history classes I took all the locations of the Hydra bases that were not taken down by the Howling Commandos and Captain America. Having a memory like mine helps for somethings but not when you try and cleanse your mind from true horror {Thanks Peter and Wade you have official scarred me mental for life} This is good because it means I hopeful won't interfere with this part of history to much. However, I knew there would probably be small changes in my current time line because of the events that happened back here.

"How the fuck do you even know there is a base out here." Yelled one of the man

"You better shut up before you get everyone killed or I kill you." I told the solider giving him a death glare.

After about 2 hours of walking, the base came into view.

"Still doubt me solider?" I asked him as he rolled his eyes at me

"Okay here is the plan.

"Rivers, Holland I will be leaving you two in charge while I do quick recon." I told them

"By tomorrow morning gents this base will be no more." I said before I stalked up to the base and checked it out. I wasn't one of their big base they only thing they had in this was POW and we had to get them out and back to the States. I walked into a room by accident to only witness blood, organs and other weird thing pickled in jars. Dried blood and corpse rotted away in the corner of the room. I walked up on of the desk to see a pile of files on it. Me, being the curious fearless mercenary I am opened the file to find a report.

 Me, being the curious fearless mercenary I am opened the file to find a report

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Subject number: 7300B

Name: Tim Addams

Nationality: American

Gender: Male


Aim: Experimentation the x gen

Description of the Experiment ...

The realisation hit me, they were they were trying to make powered soldiers... powered weapons to win there war. Okay so this could be part of how they plan to win the war. I know that they are also planning something else, which they refer to as their secret weapon. I took the files and when back to the troops before night fall.

"Okay every asshole here listen up, this base is experiment grounds and there is about 500 hundred POW inside that will need Medical and food." I told them

"Okay so we are going to spilt into two teams, Alpha are going inside and helping get the POW out while the rest of you lot keep them safe and out exit point... any questions?" I asked

No one had questions.

"Good, we attack in five." I told them

"River you with me... Holland you stay here and if I don't make it back you're in charge." I said as I left to kick some Nazi Ass.

3 hours later...

We did it the base was down and all the man survived but some were wondered. I knew that Cap/ Stevie would have already saved Buck and the other Howling Commandos today so there was a good chance I would be able to see them.

"Lets go men." I told them as we began to make our long walk back to our base camp 

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