Chapter 10- Just a day in the life as the prisoner of twats

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I woke up... I don't even remember felling asleep.

"Lovely to see your up, my dear Red." Said Mr L causing me to let out a loud groan

"Go thing you speak Hungarian already because today's the day you start your mission and remember I am watching you... I will ways be watching you." He said as he unstrapped me from the table

Thank fucking god I haven't been able to feel my feel for hours. Look to my arms to see they are cover in tattoos of devils, angels and werewolves.

"Put these on and Mr N will show you to your living quarters." Said Mr Lardass leaving

I got dressed into a plain black shirt and dark demin jeans. I then had a red drench coat on. A man came in.

"I am Mr N, please follow me." He said as I give a stiff nod as we go up some stairs I soon realise I was on a god dam boat.

I need a name for my new pain in my ass known as Mr N. These are some really creative names what's next Mr Green, Mrs Peacock or maybe professor plum. I got it Mr N your name from here on out you will be known as Mr Nutsack... Okay that wasn't my best name but hey It will work for now.

We get of the bloody boat and he shows me to a crappy apartment which will be my home for the next month of my life.

"If I can't see you every hour, Mr L will hit the pain button, if you go out I will be shadowing you and if you try to kill me we will kill your father's new love interest, Foggy Nelson and the devil's of hell's kitchen, are we clear?" he asked

"Crystal." I said

"You will have a day job so you don't stick out to much, you will start in ten minutes so don't dilly dally, you can't be late for your first day of work."

"Where am I working at?" I asked Mr Nutsack

"You will be working at a florist."

My sweat dropped. I have done three undercover jobs and they were: Self-dense teacher, pretending to test weapons and a boxing coach. Do you notice the pattern? IFUCKING DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WEEDS PEOPLE GIVE PEOPLE TO SHOW THEY CARE!!!!!!!!!!!

"It's a slow job so don't expect to service to many people and really don't know anything about flowers there is always Google." Said Mr Nutsack rolling his eyes as we walked the streets of Budapest

We made it to my new 'fake' job and I went in alone and was greeted by a blond haired woman. She spoke in Hungarian

"Ah, Gemini McCall-nak kell lenned {Ah, you must be Gemini McCall}."

" Ez lenne én, asszonyom, öröm, hogy találkoztunk {That would be me madam, pleasure to meet you}."

"Kérem, hívjon Maddy-nak {Please call me Maddy}." She said with a bright smile

"Tudja, hogy meglepődtem, amikor hallottam, hogy egy boksz-edző szerette ezt a munkát. { You know I was surprised when I heard that a boxing coach wanted this job.}." said Maddy

I simply shrugs as she gave me a small smile and she said in Hungarian "Let's get to work shall me Gemini."

It was a very....Very....VERY slow working day so I have mostly been on my phone reading up the meanings behind each flower in the shop. Suddenly the shop bell sounds... someone was here. I see an lady in there 30's come in.

"Hi can I help you?" I asked her in Hungarian

"Do any of you speak English by any chance?"

"That I can do too." I told her with a small smile

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