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Bucky's Pov:

I watched as the man in the red hoodie fell into the river with the man with a sheild flashes of my pass came to me in a blur at what they both said.

"When I see you again...."

"I am with you until the end of the line..."

I don't know why these people are important in my past but I sure as hell am going to find out which means I need them alive.

I dragged them both out of the river and pulled them onto the side of the river before leaving. Hydra was coming after me and I am so confused about what these two people mean to me or meant.

I get steal some civilian clothes before walking around not knowing where I can find the information I need about these two people. I watch as a girl I remember from the Red room as Natasha... the Black widow was in a confess with the UN council from a Tv in a coffee store.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

 "I do." said Natasha 

 "Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?"

 "I don't know what there is left left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently." said Natasha 

"Well, he could explain how this country's expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus."

 "HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence." said Natasha 

"Many of which you seem to have had a personal hand in telling."

 "Agent, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on Capitol Hill. Also that during the battle the infamous Red or better known as Stiles was seen and it is believed you have known his location all along... Mr Stilinski is National Threat with the skills and connections he has." 

 "You're not gonna put me in a prison. You're not gonna put any of us in a prison. And you sure as hell not going to put my Nephew in prison or killed. You know why?" asked Natasha

"Do enlighten us."

"Because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we helped make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You'll know where to find me. And for My nephew stiles... you might want to know that he was Jason Martin the person who helped found shield as well as the reason why your government has been functioning for the last 71 years... don't believe me well that's your probably but here is the proof of what I was saying about my Nephew is not alonely Red or Myslaw Stiliski or any of his other alias but he was indeed Jason Martin." Said, Natasha, as she showed them the Image from the New Jersey with Stiles and other people in it before she walked away.  

So the guy in the hoodies name is Myslaw or stiles but he is also known as Red or Jason Martin and many more people. According to my math that would make stiles about 96 years old the same age as me and the best place to find my answers would be the Smithsonian. 


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