Chapter 16- The End

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It's been a long 9 months with Hydra out to get Bucky and I and my pregnancy. It was the day our child was due. Because I was a male and didn't have the means to boreth our child into the world I would have to get a C- section is done.  

"Bucky, I am scared," I told him truthfully as he held my head as the doctors began the procedure.

"Just think of it like this as soon this is over we can meet our child."

You see we decided to not know the gender of our child so it would be a surprise

"We are going to be parents." I said looking up to his face

"Yes we are doll." He told me as he kisses my head

Suddenly we hear the sound of our child crying for the 1st time. The nurse soon brought our child up to us,  it was the precious thing I have ever seen.

Bucky held our child as the Nurse then said.

"It's a boy."

The baby was small had had tuffs of brown hair on his head and he had his father's noise but had my eyes.

"He is beautiful," I said with a tear of happiness rolling down my face 

Suddenly my father burst into the room and said "Where is my Grandson." I the most dramatic way ever.

I rolled my eyes at my father's antics but he still made me laugh.

"What's his name?" asked Peter coming into the room

I looked at Bucky and he looked at me.

"His name is Jemery 'Winston' Barnes."

"He's got my middle name." said Deadpool with a smile under his mask

"He is perfect just like you, stiles." My father told me

"You know what they say Like Father, Like Son, Like Grandson," I said with a laugh 

The gang soon come in to see Jemery but out of the corner of my eye I could see Bucky and Steve leave the room.


We left Stiles, Jemery and the rest of the gang inside while Steve and I chat.

"You know Hydra is still out there after you guys."

I sighed, "I know." I told Steve

"We can't defeat them." Steve said 

"Yes we can... if we do it together." I told him 

"What's our next move?" 

"We being the fight to Hydra."I told him with a small smile.

Thanks for the name 

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