Chapter 11- What actually happened in Budapest

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Hey, Buckyfan1 here, I should warn you within this part there are themes not suitable to younger readers and it does imply torture and rape so, please say I didn't warn you guys because that would be bullshit. This is in BOLD for a reason.

I have been tailing Natasha and Clint for five minutes now and to tell you the truth this they are very mundane for two assassins. Maybe I am just crazy... It wouldn't surprise me at this point. They go inside a warehouse near the docks. I sigh in frustration. Why did Clint close the door now I can't sneak in without getting caught. I growled as I tried to think of a way to see what's going on without being caught. Then I noticed that the warehouse had a sky light on the roof. Oh, thank god for stupid people the sky light looks open from here. I park cored up to the roof and slipped into the warehouse via the opened sky light. I notice there were heaps of armed man , my sweat drops. What the fuck did I just walk into. Suddenly bullets sounded for all directions, crap. Crap. CRAP. Crappedity, crap, crap, this is bad like Fucking bad. Natasha and Clint where shooting people. It was a mother-fucking bloodbath but then it all goes downhill from there when Clint is knocked out and Natasha is strapped to a chair. This is bad if they fail this mission there is a good chance a lot of people are going to die in America. What if Foggy or Matt get sick. I couldn't let that happen. I turned my attention away from Natasha and the knocked out Clint to a man in a lab coat and another with a metal suitcase cuffed to his wristed. In all the movies, I have ever seen this never ends well.

"Ah, the American spies are here to try and save their mother country, you know just for trying to but a kink in my plan, you will do the honours of being the first person in the rising age of chaos to die from K349, Agent Romanoff." Said the crazy doctor as he opened the metal brief case and pulled out a vile with this clear liquid in it

"You know Agent Romanoff, for this to start taking effect you only need about 0.001 % of it in your bloodstream, but if I injected you with 1ml of K349 well you die chocking on your our blood." Said the doctor getting a needle.

Fuck I had to do something, I couldn't let Natasha die she was like my creepy assassin Aunt. I see one of the guards, close to me and my hiding spot so I decide to sneak up on him. I knocked him out and steal his gun. As the creepy doctor is about to inject Natasha with the killer drug. I short the guy with the brief case in the head causing the doctor to stop in pure shock before I shot him in the head as well causing my grumpy face with his blood and other things I am trying not to think about it.

"Man flee, the bomb has been activated, this mission was a failure." Said one of the man as they all left running leaving the K349 behind so I put it in my pocket the vile of it before I go over to Natasha to help her out of the chair. She looked at me in deep thought.

"Do I know you?" she asked staring into my eyes as I untied her

"You haven't known me in about eight years, Natasha." I told her with a smirk

I felt the pain in my neck start. Bloody fucking twats they noticed I wasn't at the apartment.

"Take him go." I told her

"What about you?" she asked me looked concerned, as my face shows oblivious signs of pain.

"Trust me Natasha, you need to get clint out of her with this." I told her as I gave her the vile and left the warehouse running

I hid behind some shipping containers, the pain was mind blowing but I need to make sure Natasha and Clint was safe, it's the least I could do for showing me kindness when I was that sad 8 years old boy who ran away from Beacon Hills. I see Natasha come out of the warehouse with Clint over her shoulder before the warehouse blows up. My vision become dark and soon I wasn't able to move or see. Everything was dark.

~A few hours later~

I got up with a pain behind my eyes and something cold against my chest. I opened my eyes to see something like a silver. I notice I was strapped to the dam table again but instead of being front up, I was strapped so my chest was on the table. I felt the cold air blow over my back and ass. I realised I was in the 'nude' as in the mighty words I have used to described Logan's 1st Christmas present he gave me. Why the Fuck am I nude. Where the fuck are my cloths. What the bloody fuck is going on? Were the main thoughts that rattled around my restless mind. Suddenly I heard the door open and two sets of feet walk into the room.

"Why did you have to disobey rules, my sweet red, now you are going to be punished." Said Mr Lardass

"What will we do with your fuck boy first cut him or have some 'fun'." Said Mr Nutsack making me tense up as he touched my ass.

I think he needs pain at the moment rather than pleasure but we will get there Mr N." said Lardass as he ran his hands over the words my father cut into my back and the scars littering it. MURDER. FUCK WIT. KILLER. WORTHLESS. MOTHERFUCKER. IDIOT. STUPID BLOODY FUCK. MONSTER.

"Look at the words; I believe after your stun to tonight you need some new additions to it." Said Mr Lardass as he pressed his blade into my skin making me want to scream but... no I am too proud to let them win. I left each letter being caverned into my skin, I could make out what the words were. (The brackets in this parts is what stiles is thinking, just and FYI)

F {Help he It hurts please stop hurting me}

A {I'm sorry... Wait no I fucking am not}

I {As soon as I get my hands on a fucking gun, I am going to fucking kill you bitches}

L {Why are you doing this, I never asked for you to do this to me. I don't want to be broken anymore....}

U {... but you bitches are breaking me more}

R {I just want to run, get away from Budapest, get away from crazy drivers but most importantly I want to get away from...}

E {...both of you}


Mr Lardass stopped cutting into my flesh and I heave as shaky silent sigh of relief.

"Believe the little bitch is really for you, Mr N." said Mr Lardass with a smugness in his voice

I felt something near my entrains. My eyes go wide as I realise what was about to happen.

"No please don't I begged." Over and over again but nothing I did made any difference...

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