5: Recognition

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Chapter 5: Recognition

"Master, I've returned." Haku said as he bowed in front of his master and cupped his hands.

"The information?" He asked.

"Reporting to master, that lady is the eldest miss of the Mu family. She was attacked previously by assassins and she lost her memories afterwards. She then told her father she would like to train at the stationary army camp to get stronger and tougher. She plans to stay in the army camp for 2 years, it has only been a month since she've joined. She is sixteen years old." Haku reported.

"Attacked by assassins? Would you decide to suddenly train to get stronger just because, you've been attacked once by assassins? How can that be? There must be more to the story." He mumbles to himself.

"Stop father's assassins, wouldn't want my new interest to be hurt."

"Yes master." Haku said and disappeared into the darkness. If he would have looked back, he would've seen the smile tugging on his master's face.

Jing Xuan scooped the food into various bowls and plates before placing them on the different tables as the other soldiers started coming out of their tent for dinner.

"Jun Xuan, lieutenant Gui have summoned you." A soldier reported.

Jun Xuan nodded her head and washed her hands before she headed towards the lieutenant's tent. Walking into the tent, she bowed her head and cupped her hands. "What have the lieutenant called me for?"

"I know that you've helped out with the killing of the assassins. Do you know of their origins?" He asked.

Jing Xuan ponders for awhile, wondering if she should honestly tell the lieutenant about the python organisation. All those pondering made her realised something.

If they hadn't know about the assassins' origins then why would they have attacked the south kingdom and emerged victorious?

Thinking till there, she decided to tell the lieutenant the truth.

"After I killed the assassins, I pulled their masks off and realised something similar to all of them. On their right cheeks there was 3 dots tattooed. There was nothing else significant enough for me to mention." She said.

"3 dots?!" He shouted as he slammed his fist onto the table unable to control his anger in a fit.

"They must be from the Python Organisation, sent here by the Emperor of the South kingdom! How dare they!" He cussed furiously.

"Issue my command down! Those who are injured, recuperate well! We will have a strict training from tomorrow onwards for 3 months and we will get back out grievances then!" He shouted.

Jun Xuan looked up at the lieutenant and found it amusing. It wasn't as though the lieutenant suffered a huge loss, none of his men died and only a minority were injured.

"Do I get to come along to fight?" She asked curiously.

"You will help from a distance. We'll talk about it when the time comes, just train on your archery and dagger skills." Jing Xuan nodded her head and left.

As if I will listen quietly and just learn archery and dagger skills! If I want to learn how to use and fight with a sword that is what this lady will do! She chuckled.

Heading back to the kitchen, she grabbed her already prepared porridge and settled down and quickly ate it. Afterwards, she headed to Yu Heng's tent to check up on him.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked as she walked into the tent.

Yu Heng who was half siting half lying on the bed looked up and smiled at her. "Much better. Heard that if it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead..."

"No problem. Its just some pills and some basic skills to tend to wounds." She replied nonchalantly.

"Still, if you hadn't helped, I would've been dead thank you." He said honestly.

What Jing Xuan didn't know was that, Yu Heng was one of the characters that was infatuated with Yu Xuan and will become the general in the future leading thousands of troops to defend the country and he will start to have a change of feelings when he realised that he is a she.

After chatting with Yu Heng and telling him about the assassins and what the lieutenant had said she returned to her tent and called it a night as she prepared for the hell training that would be starting tomorrow, ready to sharpen her skills.

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