40: Revenge (2)

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Jing Xuan slash the dagger across Yu Xuan cheeks while she screamed in agony. Jing Xuan then carved out the words 'Fucker' on her forehead in english, a language none of them understood.

Jing Xuan could still feel the slight pain on her cheeks, that pain fuel her crazy desires. She slash Yu Xuan's arms and broke her legs. However she was far from done, she stabbed the dagger into Yu Xuan's eye and twisted the dagger. Yu Xuan's cries and screams fuelled her craziness.

She pulled her up and dragged her to another torture chamber. A pot of hot burning stones with a metal stick inside was found, she sat her on the chair and strapped her.

"P-please spare me" Yu Xuan cried as she saw Jing Xuan picking up the hot metal and walking closer to her.

"Then, have you ever spared me?" Jing Xuan asked before she firmly placed the 100 degree hot metal on her cuts, stinging her. She continued doing so, not even sparing her back.

Yu Xuan had fainted due to all the pain, and while she had fainted Jing Xuan headed to another chamber preparing for her next torture. Jing Xuan chained Yu Xuan's hands and legs,

"Wake up!" She slapped Yu Xuan across the face and she slowly woke up to intense pain. With a switch, water, salt water started pouring into the close off chamber.

"Oh, don't worry this wont kill you. I have something exciting waiting for you" Jing Xuan said as she smiled sweetly at Yu Xuan before she walked away with Yu Xuan screaming hateful words at her.

She stopped, "Say that again."

"You hateful, heartless bitch. You will have your retribution soom you stupid fucking bitch. In this world, there is not only me who hate you. Just you wait! Once my parents found out everything you did they will fucking kill you and torture you the way you did to me! Your whole family will die, your husband will die too. You VIXEN!" Yu Xuan screamed loudly.

Jing Xuan played with her dagger and she threw it at Yu Xuan stabbing her shoulder chest area. She can stand Yu Xuan badmouthing her but yet this ignorant fool just had to bring in TingXiao and her parents. Jing Xuan then turned to leave, preparing another big surprise for her.

TingXiao was waiting for Jing Xuan at the gates and when he saw a silhouette approaching from the dark jail he heaved a sigh of relief. As Jing Xuan approaches the door, TingXiao brows furrowed and his hand clenched into a fist.

He walked towards Jing Xuan and glared at the cut on her face.

"TingXiao?" Jing Xuan called out when TingXiao just stared at her cheek. She raised her hand and touched her cheek and remembered that Yu Xuan had scratched her.

Without saying a word, TingXiao grabbed Jing Xuan's hand and pulled her away from the dungeon and to their room. Sitting her on the bed, while he headed out to get some healing rose powder and bandage.

TingXiao poured some alcohol on the cotton as he gently wipe the wound and blood away, the stinging pain caused Jing Xuan to bit her lip. TingXiao then poured some Healing Rose Powder on her wound and placed a plaster over it.

The western kingdom have plaster!? Jing Xuan thought fascinatingly.

Jing Xuan could sense TingXiao anger, so she grabbed onto his left hand and swing it like a kid. "Your highness, don't be mind at me..." She pouted.

"TingXiao..." He muttered.

"TingXiao baby don't be mad at me already..." Jing Xuan whined and swing his arm.

"Do you know why i am angry?" He asked, Jing Xuan shook her head.

"For me to be so close to you yet i allowed you to be injured..." TingXiao said guiltily as he caressed her cheek.

"Its not your fault... I wasn't paying attention that's why i got hurt. I promise i will do my outmost to protect my body from now on okay..." She promised as she looked into TingXiao obsidian eyes that seem to suck her in.

"Yes be a good girl and don't keep injuring yourself already" TingXiao said as he plated a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Since, i am not allowed to get hurt will you help me with something?" Jing Xuan asked.

"Of course. Anything for you."

"So, i need help wit-..."

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