41: Revenge (3)

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WARNING: Again following content contains psychopathic and disturbing scenes and you are warned. If you can't handle please skip and not read this chapter. I am terribly sorry if it was too much,, because you guys wanted a strong revenge...

"I need help with getting aphrodisiac and a big big horse." Jing Xuan said while she was smiling sweetly at TingXiao. Since he wanted her to be safe at all cost, then Jing Xuan decided he can do her dirty work.

Wife... Is evil.

"Are you thinking to.."

"Yes" Jing Xuan said while she leaned into TingXiao.

"I was thinking the same actually. She wanted to marry me and almost made you got raped, how can i just let her off so easily? i promised i would make her unable to marry anyone anymore." TingXiao said,

"En" Really, like husband like wife both truly terrifying.

TingXiao got Haku to get ready the horse and aphrodisiac. Evening rolled along, Jing Xuan and TingXiao sat together in their room and they dine on their food. Planning to proceed with the revenge tomorrow.

Back at the Eastern Kingdom, Guan Ming was feeling uneasy after finding his daughter missing. He knew about all the little sneaky things Yu Xuan have been making towards the Mu Family but he turned a blind eye towards it.

Guan Ming also knew about Yu Xuan's infatuation towards the Western Kingdom's crown prince, TingXiao and he recently held a wedding and now she mysteriously disappeared... He did not want to believe what she had done.

"Gu feng how is the search going? Have you located Yu Xuan?" Guan Ming asked.

"Yes master. We've found her in the Western Kingdom, Eldest miss seem to have impersonated Mu Family's Miss to get married to the Crown Prince TingXiao." Gu Feng reported.

"Where is Mu Jing Xuan?" He asked, if his daughter have managed to impersonate her and dealt with Jing Xuan then he would not care.

"She is at... at the Crown prince manor..." Gu Feng said softly. Guan Ming have a sudden hunch that his subordinate have kept something from him,

"What are you keeping from me?!" Guan Ming bellowed, if his daughter is in danger then he would definitely save her, if she is still of use to him.

"She... she have been discovered before she even stepped foot into the Manor and was thrown into the dungeon. We are currently still unsure of what is happening to the eldest miss." He reported.

What is there to find out about? It was obvious that TingXiao would definitely torture Yu Xuan for even thinking of harming his wife moreover taking lightly of his words when he said he will only marry Jing Xuan.

"Find out what is going on. If Yu Xuan's face have been disfigured or her chastity have been destroyed, retreat and leave immediately. She would be of no use to us already." He stood up as he walked towards the window, waved his hands to dismissed Gu Feng and stared at the cold night, useless bunch of fools.

TingXiao got up the next day as he looked at his beautiful wife, bare of clothes. She is exhausted from last night's passionate activity and slept in. Tingxiao placed a soft kiss on her lips before he got up and started getting ready for the day. He had someone prepare some porridge for Jing Xuan before he headed to the dungeon.

Yu Xuan who was in the water the entire day was shivering, her lips chattering as she was awoke by the loud sound of the dungeon door opening. At times water are pumped into the room and completely submerged her, and after 2 minutes the water are pumped out. This continued for the entire day with an interval of about 30 minutes.

She wasn't able to have a nice rest before she felt like she was suffocated and could not breathe at all. Yu Xuan got more alert to the noises and sounds, she was terrified of what was about to come next. The door to the cell she was in slowly opened, revealing the handsome and charming prince.

He had on a simple robe, as he stood up high looking down on her. She was instantly mesmerised by his appearance, seeming to have forgotten that he had condone Jing Xuan's behaviour towards her.

"TingXiao..." she called out, her voice cracked and hoarse.

"Do not speak." He said coldly, but she seem to have been delusional to the coldness of his voice and thought he was worried for her.

"TingXiao you do not have to worry about me. Y-you must get away from Jing Xuan, she is a scary and sadistic girl not only that she is extremely fake you must not be be fooled by her. She did all this to me! S-she's crazy..." Yu Xuan said as she did not see the changed on TingXiao's face, it got blacker when Yu Xuan started bad-mouthing Jing Xuan.

"Enough shut up! You have no rights to speak of her this way, do you really wish for me to slit your tongue away?!" TingXiao bellowed, trying extremely hard to control his temper.

It seem like everyone had forgotten how scary he is because of his doting nature towards Jing Xuan, did they think i've gone soft just because i treated Xuan er with care!?

"NO TINGXIAO! no. no. You're being fooled by Jing Xuan, that bitch! Be careful she is a witch, she is going to kill you kill us kill everyone!" she screamed as she started trying to break free from the cuffs.

"Tin-" Before Yu Xuan could finish her sentence, TingXiao had cut her tongue off. She had the gut to speak ill of my wife then she would have to take the responsibility, her tongue is the result of her running her loose mouth on his wife.

He got the guards to drag her out as they threw her into the same big shed with the brown horse, the horse is an old horse that is about to die. They might as well gave him some enjoyment before he passed on to the other side. The guards poured the aphrodisiac into the horse's water, threw Yu Xuan in before they quickly left the room. An hour had passed, and the shed grew quiet, the horse passed away and Yu Xuan was lying on the cold hard floor seeming soulless.

"Throw her out onto the corners of the slums." TingXiao's last words ring in her ears before she lose consciousness.

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