21: War

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Chapter 21: War
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It had been about a week since they've returned to the army. Yi Luo had religiously followed the training schedule to toughen himself up. Yi Luo wants to quickly get stronger so he is able to stand by Jing Xuan side and protect her.

These past week, Jing Xuan had been spending her time cultivating to make up for the losses when she was busy refining pills. She is now in Mid Peak Fire Rank, yet she still felt unsatisfied.

In a weeks time, Jing Xuan will be heading to war together with the rest of the 1-3 rank soldiers. The others will remain as back up in the army camp and continue training. Jing Xuan got up from her seating position, grabbed her bow and headed towards the training ground.

She felt slightly unease as she felt as though she couldn't be so sure about the results anymore. She was thinking the past few days, as she had left the capital the story progression are no longer the same. Things have changed and she wasn't sure if this change affected the bigger picture.

"Hai..." she sighed as she slowly reach her hand to the basket behind her and grabbed an arrow. She aligned the arrow with the string and slowly draw back, squinting her eyes she sets the red part as the target and realises the arrow.

This is no longer fun...

She sighed again, "Whats wrong?" Jing Xuan turned her head and saw Yi Luo. She was shock to say the least, after the soldiers found out the fate of Yi Luo they had been feeding him nonstop to make up for the times he suffered and starved.

Yi Luo no longer had that malnourished and under developed look. His body is bigger and much more toned, his sickly and weak looking face had changed to one that is of life. He also seem to have grown a little taller, making him about the same height as Jing Xuan.

"Boys do grow fast" she said as she patted Yi Luo's head.

"I've been working hard training... why were you sighing?" He asked.

She pouted and pointed towards the target board, "it's no longer fun..." the way she had said it was like a kid feeling sadden about the lost of its toy. Which only made Yi Luo chuckle, after a short span of about a week he had changed drastically.

He became much more reliable and no longer had that kiddy look and attitude he had previously.

"Do you want to go hunting with me? We can hunt rabbits and other animals to have a feast before going to war?" He asked.

She thought for a moment before she readily agreed to the idea. A meal to pray for their wellbeing before a war, and a meal after to congratulate their victory and mourn for the one they had lost.

She headed to the horse shed, pulled Xiao Bai out swiftly and hopped onto her back. Grabbing the reins, she lightly pulled on them and rode towards the forest. Following behind her is Yi Luo.

She spotted a little piggy looking animal, she slowed down Xiao Bai to not startle the pig and quietly draw back her arrow and aimed it at the pig. However the pig as though felt the threat, started running away.

"JIA!" She shouted as she pulled on the reins and lightly kicked Xiao Bai to fasten her speed. She let of of the rein, as she slightly stood up aiming her arrow bow at the pig and let go.

"Sweet" she smiled as she got off her horse and collected the pig. They continued hunting for awhile more before they headed back to camp and prepared the food.

On the tables, were spreads of saliva dripping food waiting for everyone to start digging in. Before they started eating, they all raised their cup to and cheers to each other. Promising to return victorious.

Very quickly, two days passed Jing Xuan was in her room as she put on her red Hanfu and chest piece. Lieutenant Gui wanted her to attack from the back as it is less dangerous however she didn't want that She wants to fight from the front.

She tied her bow and arrows behind her back and headed out of the tent.

You can do this... you've been training for this!

"Soldiers! Today we take revenge!" Lieutenant Gui shouted raising the spirits of the soldiers.

"If we dont attack, we will be-"

"ATTACKED!" The soldiers shouted together as they raise they sword into the air. After Lieutenant Gui's speech, they each got on their horses and ran towards the Southern Boarder.

The South Kingdom aren't aware of the attack as Gao Yang did not report it to his imperial father keeping him in the dark. The soldiers at the boarder were caught off guard, they were relaxing leisurely doing all sorts of stuff.

"Such carefree soldiers" she mutters, as she raise her sword up and slash the soldiers heartlessly as she continued galloping on Xiao Bai.

Her long luscious black hair was tied up into a pony tail revealing her delicate small face. Thin natural brows, double eyelids big round amber eyes, small nose and small full lips. A beautiful butterfly looking mark slightly below the corners of her eye.

She had a cold neutral face as she slices down her enemies. She very quickly switches into her bow as she aimed at the Southern soldiers that was trying to attack Xu Kang's back. Xu Kang turned to look at Jing Xuan smiling to show his gratitude.

Not far from all this, standing on the trees as they watch the fight are TingXiao and Gao Yang.

"Is that a lady? So charming" Gao Yang commented as he stared at the beauty in red slashing the soldiers, as though they are not part of his country.

"Mhm" TingXiao replied proudly as though Gao Yang was complimenting his women as he stared intently at her cold indifferent side view.

"Why do you sound like she's yours..." Gao Yang asked as he turned to look at TingXiao and was no longer surprised to see a smile on his face as he looked at Jing Xuan.

"She's going to be mine." Very soon Jing Xuan, you'll be mine.

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