44: VaNiShEd

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Its been a few months since the Mu couple had been kicked out of the Eastern Kingdom and have been residing in the Western kingdom. Hanfu have been occasionally visiting Jing Xuan while sending her tonics for her body.

"Xuan er, look at father he's been doting on you and completely forgotten about me." TingXiao jokingly said as he pouted.

"Unless you're pregnant then you can complain. This little baby here is such a naughty child, giving me such a bad back ache and tossing around my tummy. I only fear this child might be like you..." Jing Xuan sighed.

"What's not good being like your husband-I? I'm smart, cheerful, caring, sweet and most importantly i dote on my wife" TingXiao said cheekily.

"But... You bring me headache when you cant control yourself"

"Ah!? i-i can perfectly control myself okay..."

"alrighty, keep lying to yourself" Jing Xuan chuckled as she slowly got out of the bed. She is about 5 months pregnant now, and her belly is already protruding out making it difficult for her to walk.

Moreover with her protective husband, parents and even the father-in-law, Jing Xuan could only really hang out in her room where she will be the safest. Not only was she unable to train at all, she was prohibited to carry basically anything.

"Let's take a walk around the courtyard." Jing Xuan said lazily, she did not want to stay in the room and she have to walk at least a little and the only place she was allowed is around the her courtyard. Which she had walked countless of times already. TingXiao had on a sneaky smile as he helped Jing Xuan up and headed out.

"ah?" Jing Xuan let out a shocked when she saw the beautiful courtyard. There were many new flowers arranged everywhere it was like a celestial garden. Not only that, there is a small manmade lake built.

Small goldfishes are living in it.

All this... in such a short time...

Jing Xuan turned to look at TingXiao with a slightly disbelief look on her face. TingXiao had one of his happy silly smile on his face as he faced the shocked Jing Xuan.

"You..." Jing Xuan was really speechless, she couldn't believe that TingXiao would go do such a thing for her just because he knew that she was getting bored, sick and tired of the same scenery around the room.

It was probably because of the pregnancy but Jing Xuan felt so touched she started tearing up. TingXiao was shocked looking at her tears fall, and before he knew it he was attacked. Han Fu with his hands started beating TingXiao on his head.

"You stupid son! She is pregnant and you made her cry!" Han Fu shouted as his hands continued whacking.

"Father!" Jing Xuan shouted worriedly, before standing in front of TingXiao.

"And even after you made her cry she still stands up for you..." Han Fu shakes his head at his son.

"Its not what you think father.." Jing Xuan was cut off by Han Fu.

"Its okay. You can tell me if this ungrateful son did something bad or worth a beating to me, i would not let him let you down after i waited for so long to have a daughter-in-law." Han Fu said.

"No you really misunderstood TingXiao. I cried because i was touched by his effort to brighten up my life here." Jing Xuan explains.

"oh..." Han Fu looked slightly flustered.

"Whatever lets leave him Xuan er, who's father would treat his son so roughly." TingXiao scoffed at his father before he brings Jing Xuan away to continue their walk elsewhere.

"Ungrateful son." Han fu muttered before he asked his eunuch to send the ginseng into Jing Xuan's room.

3 months have quickly passed and Jing Xuan's bump had caused her a lot of troubles. Such as having to pee very regularly as the baby was pressing against her bladder. Its hard to sleep due to the bump, its heavy and hard to walk too.

After a short walk Jing Xuan sat on her bed while TingXiao started massaging her leg like always while appeasing to Jing Xuan and also apologising for causing her all these pain.

Jing Xuan however was out of it, she was thinking about other things. Like her parents back in her world that she have yet to find, her friends, her life then. She was getting emotional and she wanted to tell him about it. The truth... or at least half the truth.

"I'm not from this world..." she said softly to TingXiao as she rubbed her bulging tummy.

"What is this world? And what is your world?" He asked as he stopped massaging her and hugged her, afraid she'll disappear.

"Reality and fictional. What destiny? Its all written" she replied bitterly.

'A novel?' He stood up at the sudden thought.

"What!? Whats going on?!" Jing Xuan shrieked as she looked at her almost transparent hands. Her body slowly turn completely transparent, and vanishes into thin air.

"Your time here is up. The truth was the key, goodbye." An old man's voice was the last thing Jing Xuan heard before she lost consciousness.

"I'll find you, wait for me!" He tightly clenched his hands as he looked at the now empty bed.


The End Of First Book.

Second book have not been written yet, what do you think of the first book? Do you like it? I hope you did the second book might be released later and can be read as a stand alone too.

Are you excited for book two? HEHEHE.

Thank you for the journey, and the support. Not only that because of your support i've been reached out by Dreame to sign a contract with my book but im still considering it. Anyways i really love you guys! Goodbye for now:)

Entangled With The Prince ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang