7: Beasts

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Chapter 7: Beasts

"Okay little fox, I don't want to hurt you but if you want to attack me I will not hesitate to kill you alright."Jing Xuan said as she stopped moving away.

The purple 3 tailed fox nodded its head as if it had really understood Jing Xuan had said. However, the fox continued making its way towards Jing Xuan. As the fox got closed enough to Jing Xuan, it rubbed its head affectionately at Jing Xuan's thigh.

"Aww" she cooed as she touched the fox head affectionately, it almost reminded her of her pet dog back home.

Deeming that the fox has no ill intention towards her, she hugged the fox, brought it into her arms as she jumped down from the tree. One of the fire lion walked forward as it lowered its head to meet Jing Xuan's, head to head, forehead touching forehead.

"We need help... someone is causing us to go rampage. When we go rampage they led us towards the direction of the village. The animals have seen your skills and are all terrified of you, and we believe that with your skills you can help us. If you are able to help us, I, the son of the beasts' king will help you should you be in any trouble. The whole of the Beast Kingdom will assist you. How does that sound human?" The beast spoke in her head.

"Hmm, that does sound like a good deal. Do you have any idea how they're making the beasts go rampage?" She asked.

"They seem to be using some kind of crystals while infusing their spirit energy into it to disrupt and cause chaos into our mind. Its only within a certain area, which is situated near the line of boundary of the village."

Anyways since I'm on my way to the village, ill just help them.

"Since I'm also on my way to the village, I'll help you. But, are all of you going to follow me there?" She asked as she looked at the huge group of beasts.

They all nodded their head, and all Jing Xuan could do was sigh. Her mind was clouded with training to get stronger so she could assist the soldiers as they've ultimately become brothers to her. She haven't had the time to think about how is she going to go back.

She continued on her short journey towards the village with an entourage of beast behind her. She did not know that beasts could be level minded and have knowledge.

In half a day time, she was more or less near the restricted area that the beasts had told her about. Although her cultivation is only at Earth Low peak, her battle skills are far beyond that as she incorporated spirit energy into her weapons which seemed like something the people here don't practice. They had simply used these skills separately instead of cooperating them together.

She jumped onto the tree and started travelling by jumping from tree to tree. As she got closer to a cave, she noticed a pink glow illuminating the entrance of the cave.

"That must be where the crystal is hidden at." She whispered as she carefully inspected the area. She walked around the cave and noticed a hole directly above the crystal where it seems as though the crystal is collecting the sun's power.

"Who exactly is doing this?" She asked as she draws her bow infusing the arrow with her spirit energy and aimed it at the crystal.

As the arrow hits the crystal, the crystal did not break but instead absorbed Jing Xuan's arrow along with her spirit energy.

"What the?! Why and how did it absorb my spirit energy?!" She asked.

"The sun."  The purple three tailed fox said.

The sun... she looked around and smiled. Infusing her spirit energy into her hands, she uplifted a tall tree and threw it directly into the hole to block the sun. She then infused her spirit energy into the tree to allow the roots to grow and further extend deep into the soil so that nobody would be able to uplift this tree.

"This should work!" She said excitedly as she headed towards the entrance of the cave. After confirming that there are no humans in the cave, she headed into the cave and saw the crystal slowly losing its light, the pink glow from the crystal dims slowly before it completely extinguished.

Thinking that now was the right time, she infused her spirit energy into her dagger and stabbed it into the crystal. This time, the crystal shattered and slowly dissipated, into nothingness, into the air.

A powerful shot of energy got released as the crystal shattered, that had helped the beasts regain their rationality. Not only that, the trees and plants that have withered under the influence of the crystal regained their vigour and colour as it receives the crystal's energy that was infused with Jing Xuan's. This strong wave of energy had alerted all 4 kingdom to shift their eyes towards the deserted forest near the army camp wondering what had happened and who had caused it.

She wouldn't know that she had avoided a great beast tide which would have most probably killed her parents who are in the capital. She was too focused on her own survival that she had only recalled the plots relating directly to her.

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