39: Revenge (1)

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Warning: Following scenes may contain extreme vulgar scenes unsuitable for children.

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TingXiao stayed with Jing Xuan for the rest of the day after her sudden break down. He was afraid that she would disappear like the winds if he looked away for just a second. He was confused to why his heart was telling him something big and inevitable will happen in the near future.

He let go of such thoughts as he cuddles JingXuan finding her sleeping soundly in his embrace. Jing Xuan hooded eyes slowly opened as she came to stare at her wonderful husband. A smile formed on her face when she saw his face.

"Morning" TingXiao greeted as he gave her cheek a light kiss.

"Morning" JingXuan chuckled as she greeted back.

They both got ready and have their breakfast as they have a much more important thing to do today. For she will return the kindness Yu Xuan had blessed her with the other day. Her heart was cold to those that harm her, and she will not be merciful.

After their breakfast, TingXiao led Jing Xuan into the underground dungeon to where Yu Xuan was currently residing. As soon as Yu Xuan spotted Jing Xuan she cried and complained about all the grievances she experienced. Thinking that Jing Xuan was still the naive and stupid girl.

Even if she still was, her husband isn't and there isn't anyone in the world that would let their wife suffer and not take revenge or remember the grudge.

"Jing Xuan! Don't be mislead by that man! We are such long time friends, i would never harm you! Help me!" Yu Xuan shamelessly shouted from inside the dirty rusty cell. The irony smell in the air made her felt extra hateful towards Yu Xuan.

Suddenly the dungeon was filled with a women's laughter, she laughed heartily as she looked at Yu Xuan in the cell. Yu Xuan shivered upon hearing her laughter and swallowed a lump in her throat. Preparing for what was to come next.

"Do you really think i am stupid?" She asked as she looked condescendingly at her.

"Do you really think i did not know about your sneaky attacks on me? Sending assassins and trying to drop me down the hill of conspiracy? Are you stupid to have no sense my disgust towards you? You've gone too far this time."

Jing Xuan hissed at the thought that if she had not escape she would have been raped by those disgusting vile bastards of an assassins.

"I don't try to find trouble with people if they did not find trouble with me. I can be nice, but when you get on my bad side i would not show mercy. Let me tell you, i am a pretty psychotic bitch" Jing Xuan said as she slowly walked to the side of the dungeon that have a whip and took it.

"My husband, i dont wan't you to see my nasty side" Jing Xuan said as she looked at TingXiao.

"Its okay. I will love all the sides you have, hit and torture her as much as you want. I can also lend you a hand." He added, Jing Xuan felt touched that he was such an understanding and loving person.

Not everyone will be able to accept all sides of their love ones. They will definitely hate a side of their love ones at least one.

"I'll go first, take care. Don't hit too hard, your hands will hurt" TingXiao said sweetly as he gave Jing Xuan a kiss on the forehead before leaving the dungeon.

"Now, i hope you're ready" Jing Xuan unlocked the cell door and entered. She raised the whip and started whipping her continuously, she is absolutely disgusted by her. If she had not asked those assassins to rape her she would have gone easy on her.

Those incident just brought back memories of when she was younger, those monsters that wanted to rape her and her friends. Wanted to groom her to be a prostitute, sell her to wealthy mans and to make her a sex toy. To her Yu Xuan is just like those monsters, who's heart is already blackened.

Yu Xuan's skin started to rip as the whip slap mercilessly onto her skin, her once white skin is filled with cuts and bruises from the whips and previous beating. Jing Xuan smiled, as she slowly walked closer towards Yu Xuan.

"How will you like it if i disfigure you? You wanted to disfigure me right"

Yu Xuan somehow managed to get a hand out of the cuffs as she raised her hand and slapped Jing Xuan across the face. Her nails slightly scraping her skin, and a small trail of blood dripped down her cheeks.

"I see some bitches don't learn right" She ignored the pain on her cheek as she gripped onto Yu Xuan's hand and a ear piercing scream filled the dungeon. Jing Xuan had broken Yu Xuan's wrist and she slowly pulled out a dagger.

"You slapped me. You asked for it."

A heart dropping scream echoed throughout the ghost dungeon, and the guards standing at the gates of the dungeon could not help but shiver at the scream.

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