17: Massacre (2)

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Chapter 17: Massacre (2)

Jing Xuan was forcefully pulled towards the room, and was kicked in. She groaned and cursed Fu Housekeeper in her heart as she easily got out of the ropes.

She lifted her hanfu up to her thigh area and took out her dagger. Haku who was spying on her had left to inform TingXiao about the ongoing situation.

"Yi Luo, I'm going to show you how dangerous it is to make me mad and actually running away from me" he snickers and commented as he heard the doors closing.

"Bastard" she cursed as she hide the dagger in her sleeve as she walked into the room with an innocent look.

Minister Si Miao looked at the entrance waiting for Yi Luo to walk in however what came in instead was a beauty around the age of 14. She was quite developed for her age had an innocent air around her.

Jing Xuan looked at Minister Si Miao, he is around forty with a lean body, although he is getting on his age he took care of his skin and looks about thirty plus. He seem like a nice man at first glance, to think he'd do such dirty deed.

One looked at the other in lust, while the other looked at him in disgust.

"Little girl, if you make me happy I'll bring you away and take you in as a concubine. Do you want me to bring you away from this horrible place?" He asked.

If you know who my parent's are, i wonder how you'd react. Want to take me in as a concubine? Sorry honey, i'm not going to be a concubine and my man can only have one wife or goodbye.

"Yes... i want to leave..." Jing Xuan said as she flawlessly made a tear roll down her cheeks.

Si Miao shivers in excitement as he heard Jing Xuan's voice, sweet as honey and oddly alluring. She also have an innocent air around her, making one wants to take care of her.

"Now, come over here and let me take good care of you."

She walks towards him and as she was close enough to him, he grabbed her tender wrist and pulled her into his lap. Caressing her long black hair, twirling it around his hands.

"You smell so delicious." As he was getting closer towards Jing Xuan's neck, she swiftly grabbed her dagger and slash the hand that is getting closer to her.

He yelped angrily in pain as he stood up in a defensive stance. Before he had gotten up, Jing Xuan had drew his sword from his sheath. She pointed the sword at his throat, "stinky scum, it is your misfortune and karma for meeting me. Doing such shameless act yet is a Minister that governs the people. The irony." She chuckles as she made him an eunuch.

His screams were beautiful to her ears, such scum should cease to exist. She's a surgeon who can save life, and also torture ones life and avoid killing him.

With a swift cut, she slice open his tummy and left many painful cuts everywhere on his body. His fingers, ears and toes were cut up, Jing Xuan felt as though she had killed the one that kidnapped her through killing him.

"Have you gathered all the children?" She asked.

"Yes, Master can take action now."

As she now doesn't have to fear accidentally killing the childrens, she went crazy and slashes down everyone of them that she saw. Be it the customers or the workers that trapped the Childrens here she spare no one. The once white dividers and walls of the Brothel had been dyed red. Corpse were lying everywhere on the brothel, she meant it literally when she said she'll make a bloody rain.

After she's done, she handed some coins to the children before she left the scene with Jing Jie. Not wanting anyone to notice them.

Just after they had left the scene, Haku and TingXiao arrived at the scene. TingXiao's face was in fury as he storms into the Brothel not expecting to see a bloody mess.

Ignoring all the dead bodies, TingXiao followed Haku as he bought TingXiao to the room Jing Xuan was led to. As he got in, he was stunned.

"What a fierce woman" he commented in satisfactory as he looked at the mess she'd caused.

"Hang his body in the capital and write a list of all his crimes and put it up. What a disgusting bastard" He flick his sleeve as he turned away and leave thinking about how the beautiful Jing Xuan will look like when she fought them.


"Jiejie are you okay?" Jing Jie asked, he had a feeling that something is wrong as he could feel the fluctuations in her mood.

"Just thinking about something..."

"Cheer up..." Jing Jie doesn't know how he could cheer her up so he offered her some pastries.

"Thank you Jing Jie" she chuckles as she ruffled his hair.

Whatever, take it as that i already killed that hateful kidnapper through Si Miao. I should stop thinking about it...

"Jiejie, somebody is following us" Hearing that Jing Xuan nodded her head, not long after she had left the brothel she could feel someone constantly behind them.

She decided to turn into an alley and see who exactly was following them. They hid behind one food store,

"Eh? Where are they?"

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