Chapter 7

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Dedicated to all those reading my story and voting. Thanks a million.

All thanks to KokobyCole for this beautiful cover. Thanks.

I look him dead in the eyes as he brings out the same  dagger from before, I try to loose myself from these wicked chains..

"Its no use pumpkin, its a chain " he says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. God there is no way out of this, what am I gonna do?
He smirks as he comes closer to me bending to my level "pumpkin how have you been? "
I eye him and return my face to the floor, he raises my chin with his finger and laughs.. "Cat got your tongue? "
I still didn't answer, not that I can anyway, I use my leg and kick him where the lights never shines, he clutches it in his hands and rolls over on the floor, now its my turn to smirk.
I didn't do that because I wanted to escape coz I know I can't anyway, I just wanted him to feel a little pain coming from me. He stands up and slaps me hard on my face making me gasp and lose my sight for a minute.

"Its been a long time but you still haven't learnt your manners" he says with a scorn. I know Colton will find me, Madam P won't leave me, I have a strong faith that they are gonna find me.


I groan as I walk into my office, I have more than enough paper work to do, my PA is not fucking helping matters, I will fire her sooner than she expects.

Talk of the devil, she walks in with her usual seductive clothes and gives me that sly smile.
"Good morning Mr. Bates" she blurts out.

"Now tell me miss. Adams, what the hell is good about the morning? Huh? " I said with pure irritation. Where the fuck did Collins get this lazy thing from? She wears one of the cheapest clothes I've seen, let's make that the cheapest clothes I've seen.

"The paper work I dropped on your desk two days ago, why hasn't it been brought back to me? "

She puts her head down, brings it up again and try to purposely adjust her boobs in my presence. The idiot should know by now that I can't fall for things like that.

"Ashley you better answer my damn question before I pull this building down on your head " I said stamping the table with my fist which I'm pretty sure sent shivers down her spine coz she was taken aback.

"Have not done it sir"

Only God knows how enraged I am right now, and if this  daughter of a bitch doesn't get out of my office, I'm gonna do what every ear will marvel when they hear it. I try to calm down but its not near possible..

"Ashley or miss. Adams, whatever the fuck they call you, get your dirty behind out of my office, out of my company and never come back, you are fired, do it now or you will regret your life" I try to say in the most calm way I could.

The thing thinks I'm joking coz she is still adjusting her boobs giving me that stupid smile, i rush out of my seat towards her to beat the daylight out of her eyes when my doors opens stopping me right in my tracks.
I only know one person who enters my office without knocking...Collins.

"Calvin what is going on here, you want to beat a lady? " He asks putting Ashley behind him.

I roll my eyes, "Collins.. "

"Yea, what's going on? "

"Tell this thing to get out of my company and never show her ugly face here, ever again, I'm calm now, in the next minute she's not gonna like what will happen "

"Okay fine, I'm leaving. You won't find a PA like me again " she blurts right before heading for the door. I try to follow her and teach her a little manners but Collins stops me, she should thank her holy stars she's leaving my office alive. Bitch!

I adjust my suit and head back to my seat, look into my laptop to check my schedule..

"So what are you doing here... ? " I say, my eyes clued to the laptop.

"Well have you forgotten the meeting we have with Mr. Lee Sung and his colleagues in fifteen minutes time. "

I groan as I have not been read my schedule, all thanks to my stupid PA. I roll my eyes and call my secretary, in less than minute, she comes in.

"Yes sir? "

"Yes.. Cherry, I need a PA, a male this time, I don't have time for women's bullshit.. Understood? " she nods and makes to leave.

"One more thing... " she turns around attentively..

"Tell Mr. Frank to prepare the conference room" she nods and takes her leave.
Right after this damn meeting, I will have to go take some fresh air, office air is beginning to make me sick.


Thank God the conference is over with me happy and calm, I walk into my office as my secretary trails behind me.

"Cancel any schedule I have from now to 3:30, understood? "

"Yes sir" she says before leaving. I call my driver and  escorts to go for a ride before 3:30 reaches. I walk out the door of the company and see them waiting, the open the door and I step in.

"Where to Sir? "

"Just a drive around the city " he nods and gestures for my escorts to drive in the car behind ours. We take off and I breath in the fresh air. Work can be really hectic, infact its been hectic ever since mom and dad died and left everything in my hands. The death of my parents were very sudden and i was still a very young man, it made me arrogant and ruthless and I began to have anger issue,   I met Collins whose mom takes me as her son. They are like family.

It's always hectic for me coz I travel around most of the times. It's been long I had a free time to myself, I just work too hard maybe because I promised my dad never to let him down right before he died.

I started to control my dad's companies earlier than I thought, it made me not to have time for women, parties, clubs and stuffs. I don't even have friends except for Collins.

I sigh as I look out the window, children running to their moms, teenagers eating their faces in public, eww! Don't they have home training.

I look away and something more intriguing catches my eye..

"Fredrick move back " I command.

He moves back and I see a car stop then a lady is dragged from the car and into a building. I got this feeling that the man is kinda kidnapping her.
"Tell the escorts to follow me immediately "

Fredrick speaks into his Bluetooth and they come down from the car as I walk right into the building.
The building is a bit confusing as I wander and still come out where I have been before, this went on for a good thirty minutes until I found out where they are.

One of my escorts forces the door open and I see a middle aged man with a dagger in his pocket and the lady tied to the chair with a chain. He's trying to strangle her as his hands are placed firmly on her neck as she struggles to breath. What the fucking hell!

"Let go of her"

Hey guys!
Thanks so much for those reading and voting. You guys got me on #159 in Mute.

I really do appreciate. What do you think of the chapter, drop your comments and I will be happy to respond.

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