Chapter 11

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Dedicated to 15teekay

Its another day!! I smile as I slip out of bed. For some reasons I don't know, I'm  happy, maybe its because I will be going to Birmingham soon. I have never been to Birmingham  before.

I brush my teeth, take a cold shower and slip out dancing in the process, wish I had my voice, I'm just gonna sing 'helpless by Tatiana', I'm in love with that song. I decide to dress to kill today.

I put on my Fendi top that's just a little bit above my belly button, and a black short leather skirt, and red sandals heels. I brush my hair and pin it on one side, before applying make up. I'm really good at make up but I hardly put on make up, well today's gonna be different. I put on my eye shadow, make my eyebrow and contour it. Then I put on my killer red lipstick.

I pick my Prada bag, stuff in my note pad and pen, look at my full length and smile satisfied. And then I head downstairs.

Colton is about leaving when he looks up and sights me, he opens his mouth. "Where is my Avalon, you there get out of her body right now" he says in surprise, chuckling. I laugh, turning around and looking at him with that face that says "how do I look".

"Oh my god Ava, you look breath taking " he says winking. I blush a little before heading to the door with him, my hand entwined with his arm. We definitely look like a couple.


I get to the restaurant and Peyton helps me cook as Maria called in sick while blabbing about her date, I swear my ears are beginning to itch. "Ava you won't believe it, after our date, he drove me to his house and we went upstairs, Ava we did it, you needed to see his thing, it was just so huge " I shake my head in pure irritation, well trust me I don't want to see it.

"He was just so good, I enjoyed it. I'm  looking forward to another date " oh my god, where did this girl come from, where is all her dignity? I shake my head and open my laptop. The waiter comes in asking for a plate of Maryland crab cakes and sundae.

I search through food you tube videos for the one to watch.

. She's about to leave for her break when two men came in. If they needed food, they would have just waited at the restaurant not enter the kitchen. "Please which of you is Ava? " one of them asks. I tap my chest and he nods.
"Well Mr. Calvin Bates instructed us to bring you to his office now"

"Calvin Bates?"she widens her eyes.

"Like the Calvin Bates, the richest man in the country?" Her eyes are as wide as saucers.

He's not even that great. I roll my eyes.

"Excuse me? " Peyton says, giving that "I'm gonna die"face. The other one furrows his eyebrow together before turning back to me.

"Would you like to move yourself or would you like to be carried? " he says sending me an evil smirk. "Oh hell, she's not going anywhere " Peyton stands right in front of me. One of the men pushes her away and gestures me to the car. I give Peyton an assuring smile and head for my bag. I write quickly before entering the car...

Stay here.. You are in charge

She smiles and hugs me before I enter the pure black BMW, pure tinted glass. I carry my bag on my laps and heave a sigh.

I enter into the tall building with the guys as they make my way to the elevator. We come out and I see a girl behind a desk. I recognize her as Cherry, his secretary. I wave to her and she gives me a smile, looks at the guys behind me and looks back at me giving me a sorry smile, shaking her head slightly. I sense that I may be in trouble, I would have texted Colton earlier.

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