Chapter 22

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Ever since I talked about how grateful I was to Ava on TV, absolutely everyone is asking to see this lady for real, not just her pictures. Since we came back, did mom's funeral, Ava has been my back bone, she calls, texts, come around to see me and even cook like we are couples.

Sometimes it pisses me off because I don't want women in my life but Ava is just different, her silence is beautiful, her smile lightens up my day, even when I cry, I know its unbelievable but I do coz mom's death was such a big shock. But Ava was always there, I cry into her shoulders and she rubs my back.

The truth is that I am in love with Ava!

I am gonna give her the surprise of her life today, I already made a video of me in my room after I took a shower, gonna play it to her as a call and surprise her.


Ava smiles at me and before I know what's happening, her body feel on the concrete floor, unconscious and its just then I realized that there is a knife stuck in her body and the fucking paparazzi is taking pictures?! I open my mouth in pure shock as Cherry is already shouting her lungs out in fear.

"Will you shut the hell up and do something about the damn paparazzi? " I yelled at her and she nodded almost crying. I turn my glare to Colton with so much anger, I have never in my whole life felt the kind of anger I feel like now, Ava is lying almost lifeless if not lifeless because of her so called best friend.

"What did you do? " I drag him up by the collar coz he's already bent, feeling Ava.

"I dunno, it was a mistake" he panicked. I punch him hard on the face and he falls  on the floor. I pick him again, and slap him hard on the face making him stagger and fall again. Some people hold me and leads me away.

Oh thank goodness Cherry had the senses to call the Ambulance, they carry her into the car and I enter too, and instruct them not to allow Colton do same.... Of course they have to obey me.

"Please Ava stay with me, I beg you" I rub her hand as she lies down peacefully, her eyes closed. I bring her hand to my face, my tears make it blurry for me. I have never loved anyone like her before, the two most important people in my life can't just die at almost the same time!

"Will you move this fucking ambulance faster? she's getting cold" I yell from inside the car as I return to Ava.

"please Ava, I love you, I beg you in the name of God, stay with me please, please " I beg, breaking down and crying like a baby once more.

And as usual, they didn't allow me enter into the surgery room with her, I remain outside, walking about. I told my bodyguards to block anyone from entering the hospital coz this stupid incident is already on the news, everywhere! That's not really my business now coz I can take them down, I just want Ava to be okay... Please let her be okay.


What have I done? What in the world did I just do? I just stabbed the woman I love. That knife was meant for Calvin. I never even meant to stab Calvin talk more of Ava.

Oh Jesus! Forgive me. I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to stab Ava, I really didn't mean to. What has my stupid anger brought me into? I need to go to the hospital, I need to know if she's alright, I can't just stay like this.

"Sorry Sir, we were seriously warned not to allow anyone into this hospital especially you  " one of the stupid guys in suit told me. I grit my teeth.

"What the hell do you mean by that? Get the hell out of my way, I want to see Ava" I push one of them out of my way but the rest drags me back.

"We are sorry Sir, you can't go in'

"And I advice you leave coz if Mr. Bates lays his eyes on you, its gonna be a disaster " the other one says.
I lay my face down and leave. I just did the biggest mistake of my life by stabbing Ava.


This is almost an hour and nothing from the doctors. What in the name of the world is going on in there? I continue to pace around, at least its peaceful here coz there's no one here. I rush to the door of the surgery room they took Ava in, I hit it hard.

"Can someone come tell me something or I'm breaking in" I yell.
A doctor comes out.

"Calvin please calm down" Collins patted my shoulder.

"She will be fine yeah?" He said

"Please Mr. Bates, calm down. We are trying our best in here. Would you like to break in and put the patient in shock, hereby increasing her chance of dying? " he asks. No, I wouldn't want that at all, if Ava dies, that is the worst thing that can ever ever ever  happen to me right now. I shake my head at the doctor and he smiles, pats my shoulder and head back inside.
Tears stream down my face like a little child, oh heavens ! Ever since I became a grown man, I have never ever said a prayer before but now I'm saying it. Lord please let nothing happen to Ava, she's all I have please .

I sit down finally and rest my face in my palms, doing nothing but shedding tears and praying.
After what took like forever, the doctor came out, I rushed to him and held his hands .

"Calm down Mr.Bates, the surgery went fine. She will be okay. But you can't see her now, she's being cleaned up" I nod gratefully at the doctor.

"Oh thank you so much doctor" Collins shakes him.

I felt my heart come down, I have never felt more happy in my life than I am today , I sat down smiling , and God honoured my first prayers. Wait I need to get her clothes and tell Cherry that she's fine, coz she was freaking out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Calvin carries me bridal style into his bedroom and lays me on the bed gently, giving me a smile. I smile back grunting a little to the pain in my abdomen.

"Sweetie did I hurt you, I'm sorry " Calvin said with concern on his face, rubbing my hair. I smile looking at him, who in the world knew that Calvin had this side in him. He just said "I'm sorry" without thinking twice. Did he always have this side in him or did I change him? He use the duvet to cover me up to my waist before leaving after he said he wants to make me something to eat. I heave a sigh, I still can't believe that Colton stabbed me, me? I know he has a bad temper but he has never shown that towards me, moreover I have never seen him that angry before ever since I knew Colton.

I didn't even get the chance to give Calvin an answer, we had grown so close since his Alison death, but I still didn't expect this. I'm not gonna lie, I do like him, he's become so kind and caring to me, and he made it clear to me that he has never been attracted to any woman in his life the way he is to me, and that I am not permitted to date anyone at all. I smile remembering when he said that to me, he sounded so possessive. He told me he wasn't letting me go anytime soon but I still didn't expect him to ask me out.

Do you for Christ sake know what it means??

How on earth did I even get involved with the richest and most powerful man in London? It still surprises me. I just feel lucky. Just then he comes in with a tray in his hands, he puts it down on the bed and brings the soup to my mouth. I look away.

"Uh uh uh young lady, I'm feeding you. Do you even know what that means? " He smiles at me and I return it before I open my mouth. He sure is a good cook.
I drain my cup of water as I have emptied the plate of food.

"Okay sweetie, I cook for you and feed you, that is sure a big honour" I roll my eyes at him and smile.

"So once again, will you be my girlfriend ?"

Okay don't forget to vote and comment . Much love......

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