Chapter 1 It was fake.

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(I hope you guys like this chapter! please Enjoy the book and Music!
I would also like to say thank you, to @KillianTabax for inspiring me!!)

I walked to class with my head hung low, I was very nervous about what everyone was going to think.
Are they going to be supportive? are they going to accept me? and love me, flaws and all?
All of these questions will be answered in a moments time.

As I step foot into the classroom I feel glares burning into me, their stares feels like hot irons burning into my soul, I lift my head expecting to see smiles like always, but that was not the case, everyone was wearing faces of pure and utter hatred and hostility, as if I make one false move I would be killed on the spot.

I sit down at my chair, a dark cloud hanging overhead making me feel gloomy as ever.
I could hear the whispering, the negative words, the hateful comments, I can't believe that only a few days ago we were all friends, Family even!

As I continue to look down I hear footsteps, they sound like boots quite heavy, I also hear the rustling of the robe that they are wearing, it must be very long, the gun in their holster is a little lost, as if it is ready at its disposal if anything goes wrong, that suspicion is also confirmed by the numerous bullets that they have one them; I wonder why they are dressed up as if there is going to be an attack?

As I was thinking this a figure stepped into the classroom, I lifted my head a little to see them.

It was Yukio, my brother, I watch him step behind his desk looking at the class, as he is scanning over everyone making sure they are here his eyes linger on me, his eyes has lost it's shine when he played eyes onto me, was I not meant to be here?

"Ok, everyone please meet me in the training area, we are going to crank up our training for something had happened and we need to be prepared."
As everyone stands up to leave Yukio walks over to me, and stands right in front of my desk.
"Sorry Rin, you will not be needed for this, I would advise you to go back to the dorm for the rest of the day."
Yukio says with a straight face, not showing emotions expect the dripping hatred in his voice.
"Ok, I understand call me if you need anything." I stand up and begin to walk away from our classroom.
"That would not be needed," Yukio says while he leads the others into the training area, they all glare at me while they walk past.

I feel the tears building up but I try to not let them show, as soon as they are all out and far enough away I sprint back to mine and Yuiko's dorm, I burst through the door and run up the stairs to the roof, the only place that I feel safe.

As soon as I am up on the roof I let all of my emotions go, I sink into my legs crying, I bring my legs up to my chest and let it all out in big a hefty sobs, wreaking my body causing it to shake and quiver.
I hear feet landing onto the roof, and as soon as the pair of eyes land on me they freeze in their tracks, most likely afraid of me but I don't care, at least not right now, my emotions take hold of me and I fall deeper and deeper into the pool as sadness, never to come up for air.

As my emotions slowly take over the steps come closer and closer until they stop right beside me, they crouch down beside me and pull me into a hug, It's gentle yet timid, the arms warp around me giving off a protective aura, as I lean into this figure their scent smells familiar.

The sent of earth, flowers and candy clog my scenes, making me relax I don't know why but I feel like curling up into the hug, digging my self deeper in their chest and letting my tears soak the clothes as I feel warm and reassuring hands rubbing circles on my back, quietly telling me to let it all out.

Midway through the crying, I peep my head up to look at the person or rather demon comforting me, although vision still blurry I can make out the key details.
purple-brown coat with a yellow tie and a striped undershirt, green hair with it going lighter when it reaches the top and styled into a spike.
As I piece all of these together I figure out who's the person holding me tightly.
It was Amaimon, the demon king of earth, the emotionless prick I mean I thought he was a prick but I guess I thought wrong.

Amaimon's grip tightens as he pulls me closer, I can't help but feel a sense of relief when he doesn't leave my side when my crying subsides I bury my face into his chest more, breathing in his scent.
"Are you ok Brother?" He says in his usual stoic voice but there is a hint of worry of concern in there.
"B-Brother?" I say while wiping my tears, why did he say brother? Although he did give off the childish but protective brother vibe.
"Yeah brother, you can't believe that you the only son of Satan?" Amaimon says with a slight grin on his face.
"You're the son of Satan too, aren't you Mephisto brothers?" I ask intrigued.
"Yes, we are, so that means he is also a child of Satan." He points out.
"Oh...Cool, so what are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh.. well I was...

Edit 13/7/2019: I'm going through each of my old chapters and fixing some spelling mistakes and shit, so yeet.

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