Ch 5: A Family's Rage

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(Sorry if this chapter is not as good as the others. And it will also be kinda centered around Amaimon and what happens to a demon when they lose a fimilar. But Don't worrie! I will get back to yuiko and Rin stuff in a bit.)

Rins pov

We both decided it was best to go to Amaimon's place other than me and Yukio's .
I was afraid that ether me or Amaimon would lose it and kill him for what has happened.
We only popped by to get Kuro, I was really paranoid that something was going to happen to him, and Amaimon didn't seem to mind, actually he wanted me to get him.
Probably after the death of Bermouth he wouldn't want another dead fimilar, and I don't too.

As soon as I walked out with Kuro he jumped into Amaimons arms and snuggled into him, he looked confused at why Kuro would jump into his arms, but he accepted the offer and hugged him back gently.
I smiled, Kuro must have sensed something off, or he just wanted some more hugs. Who knows.

I was about to start to walk to Mephisto place when Amaimon tapped me on the shoulder.
"I have a key which takes me back to brothers place, by using it on any door I can basically teleport there."
Amaimon stated while still petting Kuro.

I gave him a confused look which he just responded with a sigh, he grabs my arm and pulls me back to the front door of my place.
He places the key into the key hole and turns.
When the door opens it wasn't my house, it was Mephistos office.
I stared in Awe as Amaimon pulled me through the door and into the office.

I saw a huge desk, covered in papers all arranged into piles of their own.
I almost feel sorry for who ever has to do those....almost.

There was shifting behind the papers, and a faced popped up looking us in the eyes.
That person was Mephisto, his eye brows scrunched up in annoyance apon seeing us as he heaved a deep sigh.
"As I would have loved having you both here at the moment, I have some paperwork work to get through as you can see."
He motions his hands over the stacks of paperwork that where covering his desk.

But as he looked at us again his eyes softened when he saw Amaimon with Kuro.
"Little brother may I speak with Rin in private, there is candy in your room if you want some."
Amaimon nods his head politely and takes off to his room just down the hall.

We watch Amaimon leaves, and as soon as he is out of ear shot Mephisto sighs and leans back into his chair.
He looks at me with a sad gaze and asks
"Did something happen to Bermouth?"
The question took me off guard, how did he know what happened?

Instead of answering with words, I just noded my head.
Mephisto sighed once more and rubbed his faces with his hands.
"H-How did you know what had happened, we haven't told anyone yet?" With my curiosity getting the best of me I just had to ask this question.
There is now why he knew with out watching us.
Now I was just really confused.

"You see Rin, unlike humans us demons become mentally linked with our fimilar's. If something were to happen to them our mental state would plummet. And other demons can tell if another demon has lost their fimilar, but the closer they are too that person the more noticeable it is." He states slowly and carefully as if my brain would explode with this new information.
"Wait so, what is going to happen to Amaimon?" I was scared of what was going to happen to my brother, although we haven't known each other all our lives, I feel like we have.

"Well, the affect varies depending on the demon. Since Amaimon is a demon King I wouldn't know, it could get better as time passes or worse. All I know is that you should try and keep him away from the people who had helped in the killing of his fimilar. Amaimon's emotions tend to go out of wack when he is exposed to high doses of it, especially anger."

I guess that made sense, especially that last part, when Amaimon got angry at the Exorcist that had killed Bermouth, he fucking chopped him in half.
Well I guess I can't bring Amaimon near Yukio, he probably all ready thinks that he is responsible for the ambush , which I don't blame him, I do as well actually.

"Well that means I shouldn't bring Amaimon near Yuiko, I'm pretty sure he is the person who set up the ambush, resulting in Bermouth's death."
I looked up at the sound of low growling, Mephisto has an angry look plastered on his face.

"Okamura did this?" His voice was frightenly low and dark.
"Y-yeah why?"
He sighed and rubbed his fore head.
"Nothing, just now I have too send Amaimon back to Gehenna so he doesn't kill Okamura. That would make even more paperwork."
He mumbled the last part to him self, I smiled at the comment though.

My smiled faded of the thought going back to mine and Yukio's place, dealing with the horrible names coming from my class mates, and not having Amaimon to go to, to play with.
Man, I would miss him, and I couldn't take it here with out him.

My mental state was in a pit before he came into the roof and comforted me.
He provided a type of comfort that I was never able to get all my life, ether from my 'brother', or my 'friends'.
Only now have I realized the extent of neglect and negativity I've had been facing.

Maybe... I could get a new start, a new family, new friends and a new and better mind set.
Maybe...but not yet, I need to face Yukio and everyone else before I go.
I need to see if they do hate me, or if they care for me, even just a little bit.
And if they do, then I might have it in me to stay with the people that I still care deeply about.

Are we still family?!? (ADOPTED & DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن