Chpt: 16 Departing words

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A/N : Sorry for not updating reguraly,  schools just started back up again and drama's already happening. (Highschool sucks for that :P)

I just got a new laptop and i'll use that for writing up my chapters for now on, which in turn should make my chapters longer and even better then before!

So again sorry, i'll try to not make that happen again. OwO and this is shorter than usual so.. again sorry ;-;

I'm currently in my room preparing for our trip to the portals.
Sherbert and Blaze are in here as well asking questions about what they should do while I'm away.

"W-What about if something happens while you are gone?"
Sherbert stutters out, gripping Blazes hand while he rubes soothing circles with his thumb.

"Nothing bad is gonna happen guys, and if it does you can just ask one of the guards to contact me is, okay?"

Blaze lets go of his boyfriends hand and wraps it around his waist, pulling him into a tight hug.

"See babe we got this, and don't worry Rin we'll look after the place, nothing gonna happen on our watch."
He flashes a bright smile, showing off his slightly pointy teeth.

"Yeah, I know you guys will do great. Welp it's time to go now, c'mon Kuro let's go."

I walk out of my room with Kuro on my sholder, Blaze and Sherbert follow behind me untill we reach the portals.
As i'm walking I can't help but feel as if i've forgotten to do something... oh well, it can't be important if it slips my mind like that.

With the glowing gold and blue portal in sight, we jog up to see Amaimon and Kirara already waiting for us.
"Geez what took you guys so long? I could feel myself getting older just from waiting." Kirara says while sighing dramatically.

She walks up to us and drapes her arm over my shoulder while using the other hand to ruffle my hair.

"Bloody hell dude I still can't believe that ya dad letting you do this, he's u sally says no when you try to leave Gehenna."
With an empty laugh I pushed her hand way from my head.
"You're right about that, maybe he just trusts me more? I mean, I am the demon king of balance after all, I'm more powerful than I was all those years ago."

"That is true but..."
She pulls me out to arms length and stares me in the eyes.
"Just be cause you're a demon king and you're more powerful doesn't make you invincible, we all still have our falts and just because you have less then most demons doesn't mean you can go head first into a fight, okay?"
With my eyes casted down she pulled me into a hug, wrapping around me protectively as if trying to spare me from what might be coming.

"I'm not trying to discourage you are anything, i'm just saying that you have others who care for you and don't want to see you hurt alright, I don't want to see Amai dragging your beaten up ass back here. Just try to stay safe."
I nodded and stepped back from the warm hug, wiping my eyes from the tears that began to fall.
"Thanks Kira, I'll try to be back soon okay."

"You better you little shit, i'm gonna miss you."

She moved away a strand of hair on my forehead and kissed it, making me smile.
Quickly after another pair of arms wrapped around my middle, and a head rested on my back.
"B-Be careful Rin, Don't get into t-to many fights."
Sherbert said softly.
"heh, I wont Sherb I promise."
He nodded and unwrapped his arms from me.

Blaze clasped my shoulder ruffled my hair, making it stick out even more than it did before.
"Good luck dude, come back soon alright and tell us whats over there, and who knows, if its not a place filled with things that wants to kill us we could go over again."
Rolling my eyes I nudged him with my arm and moved away from his grasp.
"Yeah maybe some time, and if not there are always other places."

After everyone goodbyes and the others said bye to Amai-Nii we stepped over towards the portal, gusts of wind where coming through the magic hole blowing our hair and sending chills down our spine.
"You ready?"
Asked Amaimon, not looking away from the swirling blue and golden portal.
"Well... not entirely but good enough, so let's do this."
As we stepped into the portal everyone's last words where drowned out by pure emptiness until... it all came back.

Wait, why does this sound so fimilar?
The bussling sound of people hit my ear drums, the talking and laughter was frightening.

Why am I back here!

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