Ch 7: Records of mistrust.

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Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter it is really important!

Rins p.o.v

Why was Yukio writing about me?
Honestly I'm kinda disturbed, we haven't been able to hold up a full convasation for a while now, especially when I reveild my powers.

I was going to just close the book and act like I have never seen it before but, I just feel like if I do that then everything is just going to get worse.
Swallowing down my anxiety I began to carefully read each word.

Log entry no. 274.

Rins powers have been growing at an alarming rate these past couple of days, it doesn't help that he has now been reveild as the son of Satan to his class mates.
This could be a set back but my plans are still under way, I just need to keep Rins power under lock and key for now untill the time is right.

I began to grow more and more confused the longer I was reading the pages.
The rest of the pages kept going on about my powers and how it was affecting his 'plan', and some about wether he should have followed the 'orders' he had gotten a few days prior.
Of course it never said what exactly what those orders where, but it does have something to do with all of the demon kings and me.
The word extermination comes up a few times, but only when the demon kings have been mentioned.

Okay I may not be a smart cookie but I do know when something is up, and ohhh boy is something wrong here.
It's basically screaming death and destruction in my face, even though books can't talk... Unless your from Harry Potter, but do I look like I fly on a fucking broom stick?

I skip to the end off the book where the ink is a little damp and can still smudge.

Log entry no. 284

I can't believe Rin!
He is hanging out with Amaimon, the demon King of fucking earth!
This could go horribly wrong, if he decides to go with him he might find out the truth about demons, and when he does he would want to leave.
This can't happen, the plan is not finished!
I'm going to try and stop him from leaving, no matter what.

At least I don't have too worried about the earth King getting in the way, I made sure to tell some Exorcists that he has kidnapped poor Rin, and needs to be delt with.
I know that a demons fimilar is connected to the demon it self, so if his fimilar dies then so does apart of him!
Now that exact part I don't quite know my self, but since he is different than any other demon and more powerful then the affect should be worse, but it's quite a gamble and one I am willing to take to keep Rin here.

I dropped the book down onto the bed and looked at the book with wide eyes.
Was I just a tool to my brother? A tool to be used for his own selfish reasons, never caring about my own feelings?

I covered my face with my hands and began in too cry...again.
I'm so stupid to not have seen this coming, to not have seen the way I have been treated all these years, by Yukio and father Fujimoto(?)

I pulled my self into a tight ball and gripped my hair tightly.
My throat became sore with the amount of silent screams I did, and the harsh breaths I took.

I was so wrapped up in my own sorrow that I didn't notice Kuro trying to get my attention, untill he yelled
"Rin! Rin are you ok?"
He stood up on his back legs using my arm as support when he leaned into me more.

I wiped my eyes with the palm of my hand, trying to stop the tears.
"K-Kuro? Yeah, I'm fine. But are you hurt, you got bashed into the wall not long ago."
I picked him up and settled him into my arms, stroking his soft fur.
"My head hurts, like a lot, but other than that I'm fine. I should be worried about you though, I woke up hearing you having a mental brake down. What was that about?"

I sighed and looked away from his curious yet worried eyes.
"I-It's just... Have you ever felt like your not worth it, and that everyone you know are not really your friends and are just using you for their own personal gain?"
I felt a nudge on my arm and looked back down at my fimilar with tears in my eyes.

"Hey Rin don't say that, you are a amazing person, the best one I know and if those 'friends' or what ever you call them are doing that to you, then that means they are fake and not real friends.
Okay, REAL friends don't use you for their own personal gain, and they never will.
Just know that you are worth it, and if not to them, to me, your one of the only people I have left Rin."

I scooped Kuro into my arms and hugged him super tightly, as if he would disappear when I loosend my grip.
Since he doesn't exactly have arms he just pressed closer into me, reasuring me even more that he is he not leaving.

"What would I ever do with out you Kuro?"

"You would most likely either be in jail or dead, both are very likely."

I chuckled at his remark, that is actually very true, I can see that happening.
Deciding that I have had spent enough time in this room I placed the notebook back to where it belonged and walked out to pack my things.

I will call Mephisto in a minute to tell him of my decision that I have made.

I am going to Gehenna with Amaimon, and I'm never coming back.

A/N: Hey everyone I have some really bad news that you must know of.
We have recently moved into a new house but it doesn't have wifi, and also the schools wifi has blocked Wattpad, so if you see this then that means I might be at my dad's (when he gets wifi as well) or at my friend's house.
I'm super sorry about this but I will still write the chapters but I can only publish them when I have the internet.
Again super super sorry about this, but, I shall try my hardest to get some chapters done and publish them when I can.
Speaking of which, Wattpad deleted 4 of my chapters! I had them ready to go but now they are gone! Can someone tell me what happened?!

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