Ch 6: Pain and Ink.

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Rins p.o.v. (wow what a big surprise.)

After the conversation with Mephisto I left feeling conflicted.
Amaimon was to be sent back Gehenna tommorow morning, so that means I was running out of time to figure out what I was going to do.

Stay here with people who hate me, but who could potentially still love me for who I was.
Or go to Gehenna with Amaimon, and start a new life, meet my other brothers because I apparently have more, and maybe meet my real father.
Maybe that last bit was a stretch, but I don't know anything anymore.

I walked back to mine and Yukio's place with Kuro in my arms.
I found him in Amaimons arms as he slept on his bed, Amaimon changed back into his demon form curling around my fimilar protectively.
I wonder if that's how he used to sleep with Bermouth.

It was rather windy when I walked out side, the whipping winds ruffling up my hair along with the outfit that I was wearing.
I covered Kuro from the cold wind as we continued walking.

Through the sounds of the winds I could hear voices, the all to fimilar sounds.
The ones which I didn't want to face just yet, I was waiting until after confronting Yukio to deal with them.

I pretended not to have noticed them and continued walking.
Kuro noticed my distress and snuggled up to me.
The voices began to get louder and my footsteps picking up speed, the steeps behind me followed pursuit.

I was more aggravated then anything, can't they see I don't want to talk with them at the moment! Geez
People are fucking thick now these days.

I was arrived outside of my destination when I was pushed and pinned onto the side of the building, the shear force of the impact caused crack into the building, not massive but it was there.

The hands around my neck made it very hard to breathe.
I heard a loud hiss and turned into it's direction just in time too see Kuro get his head bashed into the wall knocking him unconscious, and falling to the ground limp.

I screamed his name and looked at my attacker with a chilling glare.
Bon was in front of me with his face looking as ugly as I remember, and with Shima (is that how you spell it?) Towering over Kuros body.
And if things couldn't get any worse, those little barstards brought two exorcists with them...
Fucking Pussys.

I pulled my legs back and kicked with all my strength aiming at Bons crotch.
He dropped me to the ground and wimperd in pain.
That was sure to leave a mark.
The exorcist attempted to grab me, but before they where able to I unsheathed my sword that was still on my back.

My body became engulfed in blue flames as they staggered back in both surprise a fear.
I had no intention of fighting them, but if they got closer I won't hold back.
Blade still pointing in thier direction, I made my way over to Kuro, he was still alive but unconscious.

He would have a killer headache when he woke up.
I lifted him up into my arms as my flames covered him.
The exorcists began to approach me as I glared daggers into, challenging them to come forward.
My gaze shifted to Shima attending to an injured Bon that was still crouching down.

The exorcists apparently didn't get the hint as they lunged at me and Kuro.
I dodged their flying attacks, they where experienced but didn't appear to be as harmful as the ones Amaimon fought earlier.

I adjusted Kuro in my arms so that he won't fly out when I attacked back.
I swung my fire coated blade with tremendous speed and strength, stabbing one of the exorcists in the shoulder.
They screamed out in agony and stumbled back, clutching the wounded shoulder trying to stop the bleeding.

The rest other Exorcist backed off in fear and went to check on his wounded friend.
Shima stared at me with wide eyes before screaming at me with rage.
After the harsh words he helped Bon stand on his feet, and lead him away while the two Exorcists followed behind him, galring at me while they retreated.

Tears fell from my face while I put my sword away, making the flames disappear.
I looked down at Kuros sleeping form in my arms, his calm expression served only as a reminder of what I used to be.

I sighed and wiped my eyes, making them turn red with irritation.
I walked through the door and went straight to Yukio's room, just before I knocked on the door I froze.
Fear ran though my body stopping all of my movements.

What am I going to say? Do j just waltz in and say "Hey Yukio you are being an asshole and I was wondering if you still love me, and if you don't I'm going to live with Amaimon."
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, I could see this going down hill really fast maybe I will get a gun to the head again, who knows honestly Yuiko just has a few screws lose sometimes.

I will just cross that bridge when I get to it, I knock on the door and wait for a response.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Nothing can be heard on the other side of the door, no creaks from footsteps, no rustling of papers, nothing but silence.
My stomach twisted and turned when I opened the door peeking my head through, I scanned the room looking for my younger twin but he was no were to be seen.

I walked into the room and called out his name as if he would just magically appear if I did that.
I huffed with annoyance and placed Kuro on Yukio's bed.

I began to wonder around his room untill something caught my eye.
A little black leather bound note book sat in the center of his desk, a ink pen sat by it.
They appear to have been used recently evidenced by the wet ink on the pen and desk.

I grabbed the note book from his desk and sat down next to Kuro, I began to flip through the ink satined pages quickly scanning each page.
Although not completely reading each one, I managed to notice that at a certain point the topic of the writing changed.

At first it was just a daily notes about different species of demons, or about what happened on missions I.e casualties.
But then for some reason it changed, the focus shifted to...


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