Ch 8: A gate way to home.

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Rins p.o.v

Todays the day where I leave my old home behind to seek out a new one.
Mephisto said that I would get clothes and other things over there so I didn't need to pack anything.

I only brought along my sword, my secret stash of candy and some books.
Mostly manga and cook books.
With my small bag packed I left my old house with Kuro by my side.

The sun was starting to rise as I raced down to Mephistos office to meet up with him and Amaimon.
I reached his office and walked inside to find that he is already there waiting for us.

"Rin are you ready to go to your new home?" Mephisto says with a wide grin etched across his face.
Instead of answering I just nodded my head while glancing at Amaimon who just stood there quietly.

He lead me and Amaimon to behind the academy and into a clearing in a Forest.
He and Amaimon stood side by side and proceed to slit the palms of their hands with a pocket knife that came from Amaimons pocket.

As the blood dripped down from their hands it started to form a shape on the ground bellow.
The blood connected with others and the gate way to Gehenna was formed.
I was a little..uhh, terrified and disgustesd at the same time.
They expect me to go through a gate of blood? Hell to the no.

They both banged up their wrists and Amaimon put back on his arm warmer, which he had to take off for him to cut his hand.
Amaimon walked up to the gateway and looked at me and gestured the gate.
"Are you coming or not little Brother?"

"O-oh, yeah, I'm coming" I picked up Kuro and stood by Amaimon.
"Now Rin, when you go through the gateway let your body relax and don't try to fight it, or else your trip will be long and painful." Mephisto says while he pats both of or shoulders.

"Ready to start your new life with us brother?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." 

We both jump into the open Gates of Gehenna as it swollwed up us whole.
I heard Mephistos faint 'Goodbye' before poping up on the other side of the gateway.

While Amaimon and Kuro landed on their feet/paws, I landed on my butt and hurt the end of my tail.
I stood up and unrapped my tail from around my body and stretched to lock my stiff joints.

I sighed in annoyance and looked over at Amaimon who was having a conversation with another demon.
I walked over to them to let my self known to the stranger.

"Um hello who are you?" I asked curiously.
The demon in question looked over towards me and gave me a soft smile showing off his pointed teeth.
"I'm Iblis, the demon King of fire, Samuel, or how you know him Mephisto, asked me to escort you two back to the castle and your new home."

"Wait... Castle! Like in fairy tales?" My eyes shined in wonder and began to think about what it could look like.
I'm thinking more of medieval looking structure.

Iblis laughed and patted my head.
"Yes a castle, what else would you expect? You are royalty my dear brother, and you are also the heir to the throne of Gehenna, as you are the only one of Satans children to get his blue flames. Now are you going to come with us, or are you going to go back to your old life?"
And with that he began to walk away.

I still stood there thinking back on his words.
'Am I really the prince of Gehenna?'
A tug on my arm interrupted my thoughts, I looked at Amaimon who began to drag me along to catch up to our brother ahead of us.
Kuro meowed and trotted up beside us as we continued to walk to the castle.

I was pleasantly surprised when we began to walk through the center of  town to reach the castle.
The residents gave us kind smiles and bowed politely when we passed by.
Some gave me surprised faces apon seeing me, while others gave me little gifts while saying 'welcome home prince Rin' and 'Its a great pleasure seeing you prince Rin'.

The kindness of these people made my heat swell with joy and happiness, I have never before seen this much joy directed to one person, let alone a whole town doing it.
As I calmed my self I heard a little group of civilians talking about something.

"Oh dear, prince Amaimon had lost his fimilar, I wonder who could have drove them selfs to do such a horrible crime."

"Yeah I can sense it too, I wonder what part of him has changed because of it."

"Well he hasn't been here for a while, so it must have been a Exorcist who did this."

"I hate those guys, don't they know what happens when you kill someone's Fimilar, I just hope the prince won't change for the worse, but only time shall tell."

My ears lowered as I looked at Amaimon with a sad glaze.
His stoic face reminded me of how he acted when we saw Behemoth get shot.
His face was filled with rage of a thousand sun's as he killed all of those who played apart in his death.

It took ten more minutes of walking to get to the castle.
It was a old but well kept looking castle, stone walls with some sort of red vine creeping up the sides, all different types of plants lining the outside of the castle.

The courtyard was simple yet elegant, white and blue rose bushes where around a stone water fountain.
Awe was plastered onto my face as I walked into the castle it's self.
The high roof celing sported a silver Chandler and intricate carvings.

We suddenly stopped which made me bump into Amaimon who was in front of me, I looked at Iblis with a confused face, wondering why we had stopped.
He turned back around to face us and opened his arms to gesture the area around us.

"And is this your new home little brother, sorry but I have to leave now, father would want to know about your arrival and about Amaimons Fimilar's passing. You will have classes to teach you about Gehenna tomorrow. Amaimon, can you show Rin around the castle a little more, just so he doesn't get lost latter on."
Iblis asks while putting his arms down to rest at his sides.

"Sure." Amaimon says with his expressionless tone while twirling a lollipop pop with his fingers.
Iblis nods and says says his farewells as he walks away.

We stayed in silence untill he completely disappeared from view.
Once he was gone I turned to Amaimon and asked.
"So where to now?"

He thought for a moment.
"How about I show you all of our rooms including yours, then we'll move onto places like the library and the training area?"

"Sounds like a plan."

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