Ch2: Were we wrong about them?

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Rins pov

"Well I was just heading over to the nearby forest, I need to check up on Behemoth."
Amaimon says while standing up, I was worried that he was just going to leave me here, but that thought disappeared when he offered me a hand.
I accepted the offer and jumped my up on my feet next to him.

Now that I think about it, Amaimon is quite tiny for a demon king, compared to his older brother at least, although he is still taller than me and isn't he, like o, don't know a couple of hundreds of years old, so I think this will be the height he is staying at.
But unlike him, I'm still growing, so I bet you I some years time I'm going to be taller than him, hehehehe.

I quietly chuckle at the thought of me being taller than him.
My thoughts are interrupted when I feel tapping on my shoulder, I look up at Amaimon who appears to have been trying to get my attention.
"Are you coming with me or not?"
Amaimon questions with a bored tone laced into his voice.
"O-oh yeah.. right, I'm coming with you"

He grabs my hand in a tight hold and begins to...RUNOFF THE SIDE OF THE FUCKING BUILDING!
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I scream trying to pull away from his grasp, but it appears to be futile as we just keep getting closer and closer to the edge.

I shriek as he jumps off, I expected to be a pancake on the ground but not.
I open my eyes that were screwed shut, the gusts of wind blow into my face, as the sunlight peaks through the clouds.
But that moment was short-lived as I looked down as saw the ground coming towards us.
I grasp apon Amaimon as he picks me up, and lands of his feet gracefully.

"That was..AWESOME!" I shout while Amaimon puts me down.
I look at the place where we landed, we were in the middle of a lush green forest, it's quite lovely if you to ask me.
As I'm looking around I hear Amaimon call out to Behemoth.
At first, there was nothing but the sound of birds and rustling leaves.

I jumped slightly when the little green familiar came running towards us at Max speed.
He leapt into the air and landed right into Amaimons arms that were outstretched waiting.
He hugs his familiar while it nuzzles In closer into him, a small but noticeable smile appears on his face.
I didn't think that he could show any emotions other than boredom, yet again I was wrong about him.

Maybe we've been wrong about lots of other demons.
We rarely ever get full-fledged demon attacks, and when we do it's usually out of self-defence, or they were trying to protect something.
Have we been doing this all wrong?
I look up to see Amaimon playing with Behemoth on the forest floor, in the patch of flowers.
Seeing this answers my question, and it's an obvious yes, we have been doing this all wrong.

Amaimon stands up from inside the patch of flowers and picks up Behemoth.
He walks out of the little flower patch and places Bermouth near me, he walks backs over to flowers and lets his eyes scan over them, his eyes linger on some crushed flowers, and ones that have lost several petals to the playing.

He walks over to the flower patch and places his hands just on the outskirts of it.
I walk over with Behemoth in my arms to see what he is doing, I stop right beside and watch in wonder.
The ground in and around the flower patch begins to glow a faint green and yellow.
As if magic the flowers that were once hurt and even the ones that weren't beginning to grow back, they grew back with tremendous speed.
After the glowing subsides the flowers appear untouched, and even appears better than they once were.

I gasp in awe while Amaimon just stands back up.
"H-How did you do that?" I ask with eyes full of wonder and curiosity.
He looks back at me, his eyes showed confusion while his face remained blank.
"Didn't you know that all demon Kings have powers? Since I am the demon king of Earth I can control the ground, along with everything that grows on it."
As I took this in my eyes lit up like a light bulb.

"Wait, does that mean I have powers too?!" I gasp excitedly, I begin to go over lots of possible powers I could have.
"Yes it does mean you have powers too, and since you have father's flame you will more than likely either have the most powerful or the most diverse powers."
As I was about to ask how I can use them he cuts in and states.
"But since most of your powers have been locked away in that sword you can not access them until it has been broken and you become a full demon."

I give an upset pout, then that's when I realize that I left it on the rooftop.
"Shit speaking of that, I left it on the roof and I'm meant to keep it with me at all times." I became frantic, what if Yukio found out that I left it on the roof, will he be even madder at me then he already is?
I am having a mental break down.

Amaimon who must have noticed my worries asked me if I wanted to go back and get it.
"Yeah, that would be great thanks," I say relieved.
Behemoth who must have thought that we were going to leave him began to whimper and whine in my arms.
"Don't worry Behemoth we're not going to leave you behind, I'm taking you this time." Amaimon says trying to calm down his familiar, it appears it worked as to be stopped sulking and started to yap joyfully.

Amaimon gives him a quick Pat on the head then he grabs my free hand that was hanging off to my side, and we begin to run off again, towards mine and Yukios rooftop.

Edit 13/7/2019: Okay I'm going through and editing everything and I am wondering how on earth I mess up so fucking much, luckily I have gotten an extension to fix my stupid mistakes.

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