Ch: 15 Mysterious portals

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Amaimon and I where walking to our fathers chamber after the maid told us he seaked our presence

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Amaimon and I where walking to our fathers chamber after the maid told us he seaked our presence.

"Father barely ever summons us, I wonder what happened?"
My brother questioned in a bleak tone.

"He probably just wants a report on how I'm handling being a demon king."
I glanced to my side awaiting his response.

"That can't be it, when I became a demon king I actually didn't see father for months on end, untill I had to give him a status report."

We both questioned on why we where summoned, but we soon came to a stop outside his door.
We looked each other before we pushed open the wooden doors, as it creaked opened we took in the situation in front of us.

All of the eight demon Kings where inside, yes even Mephisto who Amaimon quickly spotted and launched him self on to.
I, how ever just calmly walked over calmly, but of course I couldn't hold back a hug.

We exchanged hellos and got back to the question at hand, Iblis asked a question while Amai and I took your respective seats side by side at the end of the table.
"Father, not to be rude or anything but, why did you summon us here?"

"I have summoned you all here today for a urgent matter, which has just been brought to my attention."
His loud booming voices bounced off the walls, the deep and dark tone sent shivers down my body.
This must be a bad matter for him to speak this way.

"8 portals have showed up around the kingdom, no one knows where they lead to but they are emitting high magical frequencies.
I need you all to investigate each portal, and once you finish you are to report straight back to me."

Chatter erupted amongst us, some for this plan and others against.
"What about out kingdoms father, who will look after then while we are gone?"
Beelzebub the demon king of insects asked.

"I'll have some of my most trust worthy staff take care of that, unless you have someone of your liking todo so."
I thought this over, who do I want looking after my kingdom while im gone?

I mean I could have my friends looking after it?
"I dibs having Kirara looking after my kingdom."
Amai wisperd to me suddenly, making me jump out of my skin.

"Aww man, I just thinking of letting her look after mine!"
I pouted a little and punched his arm lightly.

"It's for the better anyway, earth/nature demons are energetic and mischievous.
She would fit in quite well, while also being able to keep her foot down."
He tapped my head with a random lollipop he pulled out of nowhere and teared at the wrapping.

"I guess your right, and Sherbert and Blaze would be rather fitting rulers for my kingdom.
With Sherberts mind and Blazes Bron they would balance each other out, and since they've been together for so long there shouldn't be any misshapes... At least I hope."

I sighed, shoulders sagging as I lowered my head.
"Yeah, Balance demons can be quite a pain in the ass."
He patted my shoulder.
"At least they aren't my kin."

"Fuckin' asshole"
I punched him super hard in the arm while glaring hell flames at him.
'Fuckin' emotional less bastard' I thought while he gripped his arm and spat the chewed lollipop stick at my face.

We heard a loud cough in the room grabbing out attention.
"The portals you are going to are on the outskirts on each of your kingdoms, but since there are only eight portals and not nine two of you will be paired up."

'please be me and Amai, please be me and Amai.'
I chanted in my head crossing my fingers.

Father looked at us and said.
"Rin and Amaimon, you two will be paired and will be heading to the portal  near the earth kingdom."
'phew that was close, I hate being by myself, dodged bullet with that one.'

"Now you will be heading out first thing in the morning tommorow, pack all the things you might need you never know what will be on the other side of those portals."

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