|Chapter 4|

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• • •

Tobirama was not amused.
He set there looking at the god damn cat shampoo in Mito's hand with an unamused look.
Mito asked with a raised eyebrow.
He glared at the bottle.
"Tobirama you know i love you , but i can't have you going arround dirty."
She told him, straight face and all.
Don't take him wrong, he likes water.
But this is highly humiliating!
He just gave her a pleading face.
"You will step into that tub and that is final!"
She pointed at the full bath tub.
He grumbled but jumped in, hiding his face in the water.
This is humiliating.
Mito smiled and put the bottle down before claping her hands.
"There we go!"
She grinned and he sent her a whithering glare.
There was a knock on the door and Mito went to open it.
A moment later a grinning Mito returned to the bathroom with Kagami in tow.
The moment the brat saw him he exploded in laughter.
Tobirama growled at him warningly.
"Haha s-sorry s-sensei ahaha but t-this is hahaha"
He couldn't even finish the damn sentence.
He was leaning on his knee, Tobirama swears if he starts rolling on the floor he will strangle him.
Sensing the killing intent aimed at him Kagami stopped his antics.
That didn't stop him from grinning like a fool tho.
Mito clapped her hands again and with huge grin she took the shampoo.
Tobirama wished he could drown.
Then he got amazing idea.
Who said he had to keep still?

• • •

Mito and Kagami were both now soaked to the bone along with Tobirama.
He did not like beeing their laughing subject.
This whould be more satisfaing if his wet fur wasn't clinging to him and his eyes.

• • •

After drying herself and Kagami, Mito glared at a smirking Tobirama.
That glare tho didn't last long with how ridiculous  he looked.
(Imagine something along the lines of wet Simba from The Lion King)
Both herself and Kagami laughed at him and he pounted.
Good thing his eyes were covered.
So they took a towel each and went to dry him up that however wasn't going to happen becouse the moment they turned to him he shook himself  like a dog. They are now wet again.
Anger didn't last long either becouse few seconds later Tobirama's fur decided to be rather fluffy.
They laughed again, this time Tobirama couldn't help the small smile.

• • •

Tobirama and rather worn looking Kagami and Mito set on the sofa in Mito's living room.
Kagami's and Mito's hair was messed up and they were tired.
Mito was still combing Tobirama's
fluffy,silky and soft fur.
He was just purring sprawled over her.
Kagami glared at him.
"You enjoy this don't you?"
He just gave him an amused look along with a smirk.
Mito huffed out a laugh.
"Well i guess that's what i get for making my pet out of him."
She ruffled Tobirama's head.
He swatted at her hand but let it slide.
"Which reminds me!"
Kagami grinned, fishing something out if his pocket.
"The reason why i came-"
He pulled out a navy blue Konoha headband.
"-is to give you this Sensei! Appearantly others spread the word about you saving my butt and Hiruzen sendt you this."
Tobirama looked at it in surprise and Mito grinned, taying it arround his neck little loosely"Now!"
She grinned.
"You even got a collar!"
She laughed as he swatted a paw at her face.

• • •

[Somewhere in the Land of Fire]
[Unnamed village]

A man clad in red armor with clothes the color of dark violet with spiky long black hair and onyx eyes
was listening in on a conversation between a bunch of Konoha shinobi.
From what he gathered so far the
Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama is dead.
A shame.
He wanted to kill the bastard himself.
Stun him with beeing alive and play arround a bit.
He smirked at the thought of killing  the white haired bastard.
What a Shame.

But well now he can't.
Shame really.
It whould have been fun killing him.

He died a honorable death.
Sacreficing(?) himself for his comrades, his students and his village.

"On other note you remember Tobirama right? Mito-sama's new ninja cat?"

His curiousity was peaked at the mention of Hashirama's wife.

"Yeah, you mean the big cat that was said to appear right after the Nidaime's death?"


"Yeah, he saved Kagami's ass on a patrol. They were attacked by a bunch of Kumo shinobi. The one that was interogated said he used suitin ninjutsu."
At that Madara's eyes widen slightly.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah and Kagami confrimed it! And that he just appeared out of nowhere."

How interesting

"The guy was also there when the Nidaime died appearantly.
Said that before he died he did some jutsu, propably one of his creations, and then after they killed him he disappeared and the cat was just there."

Madara felt a bloodthirsty grin split his face.

"Bah that can't be truth. Maybe it's just one of his summons that he called out to protect Mito-sama and she named it after him."


They continued on their way.

He will have to have a look at this cat of theirs.

• • •
Plot twist! Don't worry Madara won't show himself anytime soon!

Just a bit of drama! XD

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