| Chapter 12 |

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"12 years ago, a Nine-Tailed Fox suddenly appeared. Its tails lashed out smashing mountains and sending tidal waves crashing to the shores."

A massive red fox, with nine tails lashing out in every direction, on the night of a full moon. The fox is looking around, growling. This is the Kyuubi no Kitsune or the Nine-Tailed demon fox.

"One Shinobi faced the Nine-Tailed Fox in mortal combat. He sacrificed his life to capture the beast, and seal it in a human body. This Ninja, was known as the Fourth Hokage."

Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!

A twelwe years old boy in a bright orange jumpsuit, with sunny blond hair and azure blue eyes with green goggles around his head, runs laughing from a bunch of shinobi. This is Naruto Uzumaki, who need to hurry te hell up before Tobirama finds out he isn't in the academy.

"Naruto! Come back here! When I get my hands on you...!"

"You crossed the line this time, Naruto!"

Naruto still laughing, they race off, blinking in and out of sight, bouncing off walls of houses. Then Naruto comes down, holding the paint bucket.

"Give it up." He laughs, his newest prank was amazing! At least in his opinion anyway. What had he done? Painted the Hokage monument of course. "You're just bent, because you didn't have the guts to do what I do. Do ya!? Losers! Wanabees! You'll never catch me!"


An old man is sitting in front of a canvas this is Hiruzen Sarutobi the Sandaime Hokage and the student of Tobirama and Hashirama Senju.

"Lord Hokage! It's an emergency!"

A shinobi runs in, Hiruzen turns away from his writing, probably already knowing what is the 'emergency'. "I hope you're not bothering me with some trivia, and don't tell me its Naruto again." Hiruzen could already feel an upcoming headache, Tobirama said he'll the watch over the kid! But then again, his sensei is a sadist and just wants him to suffer from all the paperwork. In front of the academy certain irritated feline sneezes. "It is Naruto again! He climbed onto the great stone faces." The other shinobi finishes what his comrade is saying. "He put graffiti all over the Hokage's faces!" Hiruzen sighs, smoke coming out from his mouth. He just had to be Kushina's son, didn't he?


Back with Naruto, who's still running from the two Ninjas, flickering in and out of sight. Naruto lands on the street, then takes off. The two Ninjas land in the same spot, and take off as well. "Naruto!" One shouts. "Hold on!" The other calls out. Naruto, who was standing up against the fence in that spot, drops the sheet that hid him, and laughs, hand behind his head. "That was too easy!" A Ninja suddenly appears behind Naruto, he had on a standard chunin uniform, spiky brown hair up in a ponytail and a large scar across his nose. This is Umino Iruka, Naruto's academy sensei and by his side was an irritated Tobirama, who was NOT happy about his face being vandalized...ok it is funny but still, he is supposed to be in the academy! "Oh yeah, Naruto!?" Iruka shouts in Naruto's ear. Naruto jumps up, crying out, shocked. He lands on his butt facing Iruka and Tobirama. "Where'd you come from, Iruka Sensei!? What are you doing here?" Iruka points at Naruto. "No, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in class!" Naruto then notices Tobirama who is looking at him with that face he makes everytime he does something funny but problematic. Naruto gulps, now he'll be following him around even more!


[The Academy.]

Naruto's sitting on the floor in front of Iruka, tied up in front of the class, Tobirama sitting by his side, looking at Naruto in apology. Naruto just smiles at him, out of all of his dear people (which he has very few), Tobirama knows him the most. In fact thanks to Tobirama, Naruto isn't as stupid as he acts. That's all this is. An act. Iruka then starts speaking, his arms crossed. "I'm at the end of my rope, Naruto. You failed the graduation test last time, and the time before that. Tomorrow you've got another chance, and you're messing up again!" Naruto humps, looking away. This pissed Iruka off and he points at the class. "Fine! Because you missed it, Naruto, everyone will review the Transformation Jutsu!" The class lets out a groan, lining up in front of the classroom. "Sakura Haruno is up" Iruka calls out, a girl with long pink hair and green eyes in a red dress steps up. "Alright, Sakura here. Let's do it. Transform!" Smoke comes up around her, then disappears, revealing her transformation into Iruka. "Transformed into me. Good." He writes something down and Sakura transforms back, excited. "Yes! I did it! Yes! Did you see that Sasuke-kun?!" She turns to her crush, a raven haired boy with onyx eyes dressed in blue, who only ignores her. His hair is quiet unique, Tobirama thinks, as Naruto put is, shaped like a duck's butt. "Next. Sasuke Uchiha." The raven steps forwards and also transforms into Iruka. "Uh, good." Sasuke transforms back, then walks off, Sakura cheering him on. "Next. Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto's standing there with his arms crossed, not happy. On either side of him is Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka, Tobirama sitting by his feet, brushing past his legs to show him that he is there, Naruto smiles gently down at him, a true smile, not the fake on he shows to everyone else. Shikamaru, a boy with black hair in a ponytail turns to Naruto. "This is a total waste of time, Naruto." Ino, a girl dressed in purple with long blond hair, not sunny blonde like Naruto's, and pupil-less blue eyes also turns to the Uzumaki. "We always pay for your screw up." Tobirama growls slightly at the girl, who backs off a bit, freaked out, making Tobirama smirk slightly and Naruto to hide a smile. "Like I care." He answers the two clan heirs and steps forward. Hinata Hyūga is down in the line, blushing, and pressing her fingers together, she had light lavender eyes, like every Hyūga and short dark blue hair. 'Naruto-kun. Do your best.' Thinks the other clan heir. Naruto walks in front of the class, with a twinkle in his eyes that Tobirama did not like. He got that twinkle when he wanted to prank someone...hold on...oh no. Tobirama quickly leaps behind one of the desks, covering his eyes. He refuses to look at that blasted jutsu! Naruto puts his hands together in a hand sign. "Transform!" Smoke goes up around Naruto, then goes down a little, revealing a naked girl version of Naruto, the smoke covering certain spots, and she/he blows a kiss. Iruka looks at this shocked and a wave of nosebleed shoots from his nose, knocking him back. "Huh?!" Naruto transforms back, laughing and pointing at Iruka, Tobirama allowing himself to peak out from behind the desk when he felt the change of chakra. "Gotcha! That's my Sexy Jutsu!" Iruka is now very pissed, he angrily shouts at Naruto. "Cut the stupid tricks! This is your last warning!"

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