| Chapter 13 |

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Tobirama woke up the next day in Naruto's bed, his wound wrapped in bandages and feeling rather sore. He stretched as he got up and looked at the alarm clock, it was 2 PM. Tobirama was rather startled at how long he was asleep, he grimaced and promised himself to train a bit more, he's out of shape. But then again, not many can do anything against poison once it enters your body, but Tobirama did have poison resistance training... Well anyway, he wondered where in the world is Naruto, he thought about going after the blond but in the end decided against it, not worth the scolding. As much as the kid reminds him of Kushina he needs to remember he is also Minato's child, to quote a Nara, how troublesome. He knew that Naruto was most likely taking his picture as a ninja, which he without doubt became, even if Tobirama has no idea what happened after he passed out, he just hopes he didn't do anything stupid as 'celebration' to finally allowing himself be, well, himself. After few hours of waiting Naruto finally arrived, looking very satisfied with himself, oh kami what had he done now? "Tobirama, you're awake!" Called out the cheerful blond, running over to him and hugging him. Tobirama smiled slightly and 'hugged' him back. He then noticed the hitai-ate tied around Naruto's head and smiled a bit wider. He then nudged him slightly and gave him a questioning look, gesturing towards his injury. "Oh yeah, after you passed out i..err kind of overdid it with the Kage bunshin, hehehe." Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a habit he seemed to inherit from Minato. "But well I am a ninja now! And I can finally stop acting completely dumb!" He huffed at the last part and Tobirama chuckled, ruffling the kid's hair with his paw. "Oi! Quit that Tobira!" Naruto rolled away from him, trying to fix his spiky blond hair, not that he can do much. Naruto then told him about what he was doing today, taking the photo, in a clown face paint, of course, and meeting Saru's grandson, Konohamaru. If you could only see him now Minato, Kushina.


It was the next day that they went to the Academy, ready to be sorted out into teams. Tobirama already knows who will be Naruto's sensei, probably also teammates, he was the one who created the Academy after all. Kakashi was the obvious choice, being Minato's student, he is to become the sensei of the new Team 7. Which means that Sasuke, the Uchiha brat, will also be on the team, thanks to the fact that Kakashi is the only one who can train him with the Sharingan. Naruto being the 'dead-last' will be on a team with him and the top girl. Who happens to be Gum-head- err Sakura Haruno. Tobirama was snapped from his thoughts when Naruto proceeded to pull out that awful orange jumpsuit. Tobirama cringed and Naruto nodded in understanding, pulling out something less horrid. Dark blue pants and black shinobi sandals, sandstone orange kimono shirt with sleeves that don't quite reach his elbows, tied with midnight blue obi. He also had a mesh short sleeved shirt underneath the kimono shirt. It was still orange, but at least not that bright. He also had a black wristband on his left wrist, around it was tied a blue string, similar to the one he wore when he was still a human. 'The only thing the kid needs is a happuri and he is a perfect 'happy' version of me.' Tobirama muses to himself. Naruto ties his hitai-ate around his head, wraps a tape around his right thigh and put his kunai pouch on it. They quickly grab something to eat and head out. Meeting Konohamaru on the way, who looks slightly confused by Naruto's new clothes but shrugs it off. It was nice that Hiruzen named the kid after the village, Tobirama muses, he is pretty sure the boy will become a great shinobi one day, just like his parents and grandfather. When they arrive at the classroom other kids are confused to see Naruto there, especially in his new attire. "Hey, Naruto what are you doing here? Only those who graduate are supposed to be here." Calls out Shikamaru, smirking, Naruto smirks back, Shikamaru and Choji Akimichi were Naruto's first friends and he knows he doesn't mean any harm. "You see this Shika?" Naruto gestures towards his hitai-ate. "I think we both know the answer to your question." Shikamaru only chuckles. "Troublesome blond." And goes back to sleep. "Nice new outfit Naruto." Tells him Choji, a chubby boy with spiky brown hair and swirls on his cheeks. "Thanks, Choji!" He replies happily and goes to sit down next to him, Tobirama tunes out as they talk, rather lying under Naruto's chair and following Shikamaru's example. What? He had his life as a human, he can take a nap whenever the hell he wants. He looks up slightly as there is a sound of elephants stomping, a few seconds later the doors burst open. "I was first" call out two voices at the same time. Tobirama sights and covers his head with his paws, will his suffering never end? Ino and Sakura then proceed to argue over who is sitting next to Sasuke, he's glad Naruto isn't sitting anywhere near them... "Hey Naruto-baka, what's up with the new clothes?" Calls out Sakura, noticing Naruto's change. Naruto only shrugged and ignored her. Shocking everyone else. Tobirama doesn't blame them, until now, Naruto has been the loud mouth, always chasing after Sakura. Tobirama smirked as he heard her screech about 'the idiot ignoring her', but Naruto only continued doing so. Sakura was about to walk up to him when Iruka entered the classroom, telling them to sit down and curiously looking at Naruto, who only grins and waves cheerfully. Tobirama ignores the other teams, briefly noting that most of the clan heirs are together in teams, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame, Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara. "Team seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno-" Sakura sulks in her seat and Naruto, much to everyone's surprise, doesn't react much. "-and Sasuke Uchiha" Haruno cheers while Naruto groans, he still doesn't like the guy. "You will meet your jonnin senseis after lunch, good luck everyone." With that Iruka walked out of the classroom. "Hey Naruto, wanna join us for lunch?" Asks Shikamaru lazily and Choji nods. "Sure!" Naruto replies and they walk out of the Academy to sit by the tree with a swing, Tobirama following. Once they were there, they all took a seat under the tree, Tobirama lying down between Naruto and Shikamaru. They ate and talked until it was time to go back to the classroom to wait for their sensei, Shikamaru and Choji got picked up along with Ino by Asuma Sarutobi, Hiruzen's son and Konohamaru's uncle. Hinata, Shino, and Kiba got Kurenai Yuhi, e newer Jonnin. They had been waiting for about two/three hours when a silver head poked into the classroom. "hmm... My first impression of you...you're all boring, meet me on the roof in five minutes." Tobirama almost chuckled at the reactions he got. So they walked, Naruto seemed pretty happy to have Kakashi as their sensei, thanks to Tobirama they had approached him few times when he was a kid, Naruto also knew that he was the ANBU assigned to guard him when he was younger, that of course, was unknown to his new teammates and it seemed like Kakashi wanted to keep it somewhat of a secret. Or in other words, they will mess around with them. Once they were on the roof they took seats, Sakura on the right side, Sasuke in the middle and Naruto on the left side. "So let's start by introducing ourselves." Kakashi said with an eye smile. (^///) "What do you mean by that sensei?" Isn't she supposed to be smart? "Tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams. Stuff like that." Kakashi replied with a lazy wave of hand. "Why don't you go first sensei, so we can see how to do it." Tobirama saw Naruto's eyebrow twitch slightly and his own tail flickered in slight irritation from where he was seating beside Naruto. "Me?" He pointed to himself. "My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes? Eh- none of your business." Tobirama and Naruto smirked slightly but hid it, Naruto behind his hand and Tobirama behind a paw. "My hobbies? Emm you're too young for that." Oh this was gold. "As for my dreams...never thought about it." He finished with an eye smile and Tobirama almost let a grin slip. Naruto's lip twitched and Sakura noticed, irritated. "Why don't you go first Pinky?" Tobirama had to hide another smirk for that. Sakura's eyebrow twitched at the nickname. "My name is Sakura Haruno, my likes are..." She looked at Sasuke and giggled. Oh boy. "My hobbies." She did it again, what the hell...? "And my dreams..." She looked at Sasuke and squealed. Tobirama almost pitied him, almost. "Umm... alright... next Broody." Sasuke tried not to let his irritation show, eh still visible. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't like anything and I dislike a lot of things, my hobbie is training, my dream is not a dream because I will make it a reality, to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." Wow emo much? 'I will need to watch this one closely, hn.' Tobirama though...then realized what exactly had he said in his head. 'Oh no did I just...think...hn?' Oh hell no. Thankfully, Kakashi spoke again. "Ok, Naruto you next." Tobirama almost snorted at the reactions that received. Naruto grinned slightly. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, my likes are Ramen, training with Tobirama, Tobirama, Inu-nii." At that Kakashi smiled under his mask. "and Sarutobi-jiji. My dislikes are the three minutes you have to wait for the ramen to cool down, people disrespecting the Hokage, and people who can't tell a difference between kunai and the scroll that holds it. My hobbies are eating Ramen, Training with Tobirama, hanging out with Choji and Shikamari, hanging out with Tobirama and reading books on history of our village." Tobirama smiles at the second dislike and that smiled turned slightly sad at the last one. "And my dream is to become the Hokage!" He finished with a grin. Kakashi eye-smiled. "Alright so, every each one of you is unique." Tobirama snorted at that. "Tomorrow we will have our first...mission." Kakashi said and Tobirama smirked slightly. "What kind of mission sensei?" Asked Sakura, the first thing that he heard come out of her mouth that wasn't stupid. "A survival exercise." He told them with another eye-smile. "Survival exercise? But sensei, we have done plenty of those in the academy." You call that survival exercise? They sure had lowered the standards in the Academy. "Oh this one is special you see. It's your final test to see if you can become genin" He told them. "Huh? But aren't we genin already?" Asked Naruto, oh Naruto, my poor, poor boy. Kakashi chuckled darkly and Tobirama just wanted to join in. "What's funny? That was a normal question." Sakura said as if she asked anything smart all the time. "Well if I told you the answer, you might not like it." He smiled, amused. Tobirama meanwhile walked over to Kakashi who pet him. Oh, they were going to enjoy this. "Of the 27 graduates that just came here only 9 will actually be accepted as genin. The other 18 will be weeded out and sent back to the academy, in other words, this is a make-it-or-break-it-pass/fail test and the chance that you'll fail is at least 66%." Kakashi finished with a smirk under his mask, still petting Tobirama who looked rather amused. "Then what was the graduation exam for?" Asked a confused Naruto. "That was just to select candidates who might become genin or not." Kakashi answered with another eye-smile. "I decide whatever you pass or fail, be at the training ground 7 at five AM, and don't forget your ninja gear." The three graduates looked rather troubled, Naruto was biting his lip before a determined look entered his eyes. Tobirama nodded at Kakashi and went back over to Naruto. "Well, that's it. You're dismissed oh, tomorrow you better skip breakfast, you might puke." Kakashi finished with an eye smile and in a swirl of leaves, he was gone. Naruto sighed and looked at Tobirama, who gave him a small smile and they went on their way, ignoring Sakura's angry calls for whatever... Something about 'acting all cool' or something. 'Tomorrow will be an interesting day.' Tobirama mused to himself. 'Might even help Naruto with the test...hmm...eh we'll see.' Tobirama smirked and Naruto looked at him strangely, he just continued smirking. "You know something, don't you?" Naruto narrowed his eyes and he simply smiled. With a sight, Naruto muttered. "Of course you do, I bet you were there when Kakashi-sensei took his test." Tobirama almost snorted at the sheer irony. 

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