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Guess who's back?! I am sorry this isn't an actual chapter but I don't have much time to actually look through the episode to write it down but I wanted to give my patient readers some treat! So what's better than some fluffy fluff?

Naruto and Tobirama walked down the calm streets of Konoha, warm evening air with a slight chill from the wind pleasant and the setting sun bathed everything in a soft orange glow. The sunshine haired 6 years old was happily petting Tobirama's furr as the large cat carried him. Humming softly and ignoring the stares from the villagers and giving a friendly wave to a passing Anbu. Who only chuckled and waved back. Raven eyes amused behind the mask of a weasel, the Anbu appeared next to them in the blink of an eye.

"Hello Naruto-kun, Tobirama. It seems there is no way for me to beeing discreet arround you, is there?"

Not that he was trying much. The little Jinchuriki always knew Anbu were following him. More friends to play with!

"Hello Weasel-San!" the little sunshine grinned, blue eyes twinkling in happiness at the sight of his 'babysitter'. "Dog-San isn't with you today?" He asked, tilting his head as the raven-haired Anbu shook his head. "Unfortunately, no. He has a mission he must attend." He replied kindly. Ruffling the boy's hair. The passing civilians giving them a wide berth as they walked down the familiar path to Naruto's home.

Tobirama let out a small rumble that made Naruto giggle from the vibrations, pushing his fingers into the soft, thick furr of his companion. Itachi chuckled, eyes twinkling behind his mask. He is sure Naruto and Sasuke would be good friends if they were to meet eachother. His little brother would definitely need that...

Soon they arrived at the little apartment Naruto and Tobirama reside in. Walking up the stairs (even tho non of them need it, Tobirama and Itachi can easy jump to the windows) and unlocking the door. Itachi sighted at the living conditions of the boy. Alone, at least he had Tobirama... He had absolutely no idea how that cat lived for so long. He remembers him as a small boy, walking everywhere arround with the 4th Hokage...his eyes fell onto the face visible from a window. Mind running. How can people be so dense and not see it? Naruto is a carbon copy of the blond Kage. He and Kushina-sama were always together. Hell, he was named Uzumaki. For kami's sake...but it's probably for the better... If word got out that the Yondaime had a son there is no telling in how much danger Naruto would be...he'd just have to bare it..

"Weasel-San, Weasel-San! Wanna see what I drew?" said boy asked, eager as he pulled off his sandals, practically jumping up and down as he smiled up at him. Itachi shook his head to dispel the thoughts and looked at Naruto, ruffling his hair. "Of course. Show me." he spoke softly, following the cheerful blond and yawning feline into the apartment. Tilting his head as Naruto ran over with a picture of... Them and Dog or rather, Kakashi and Tobirama. He crouched down. Smiling with his eyes. "It looks amazing Naruto-kun." The little ball of sunshine grinned happily and threw his arms arround the Raven. Hugging him happily as Itachi chuckled hugging him back. "Thank you!" The little boy grinned, whisker marks following the motion of his cheeks. He chuckled again, ruffling his hair. "No problem. Now have you eaten anything yet?" He Hummed and Naruto stopped. His stomach growling. Itachi, of course, knew he didn't. The boy smiled sheepishly as Tobirama nudged him. Amused. Itachi shook his head with another chuckle. "Let's get you something to eat, hmm?" He knows just the place as well. The young boy cheered, nodding. Itachi took the boy in his arms as he walks out, waiting for Tobirama to exit before locking the door and putting the 6 years old on his shoulders. Smiling behind his mask as the boy smiled happily. He doesn't deserve this. Such sad lonely life. But that's why he is here. He will help the boy as long as he can.

They walked down the village, ignoring the looks the villagers shot at him, they dared not sya nor do anything near Itachi tho. He was an Anbu after all. Anyone who ever dared hurt Naruto enywhere near an Anbu would misteriously disappear. To either return traumatized or not return at all.

And so they walked down the path to the Ramen Stand Naruto will learn to love over the years of his life. The kind cooks always welcoming.

Itachi promises himself to protect Naruto in any way he can, as long as he is here along with Kakashi, Naruto is safe.

Sorry for the shortness 🙏

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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