| Chapter 15 |

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"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura I'm at point C."

"Naruto and Tobirama, point A, dattebayo."

"You're slow Naruto, ok Team seven."

Tobirama looked at Naruto whos eyebrow had been twitching ever since they left the Hokage Tower to get their first mission. Oh, how he loves this system.

"The target has moved!" Called out Sasuke through the communicator. A shadow could be seen moving in the forest. "Follow it!" Called out Kakashi and Naruto along with Tobirama leaped from their hiding spot, others most likely doing the same. They hid once again. "Over there." Said Naruto. They all moved closer, Tobirama felt kind of stupid for having to do this. "What's your distance from the target?" Asked Kakashi, sounding as bored as ever. "Five meters, I'm ready, waiting for the signal." Replied Naruto, squinting to see the target. Tobirama crouched next to him. "I'm ready too." Said Sasuke. "So am i." Agreed Sakura. "Ok....now!" Ordered Kakashi. The genin team leaped from their spots, Naruto catching the target, holding it at arm's length as it reached to scratch at him. "Got him!" Said Naruto, still holding the wildly swaying cat. The cat meowed loudly, scratching Naruto wildly who winced and cursed his shortness, Tobirama leaped over, growling slightly making the cat calm down in fear. "Red ribbon on right ear, we got a positive ID." Said Sasuke. "Right, lost pet Tora captured, mission accomplished." Tobirama quickly covered his sensitive ears when he saw Naruto's eyebrow twitch even more and a tick mark appear on his forehead. "Can't we get a better mission then this?! I hate that cat!" Yelled out Naruto, making Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi who still had the earpieces on cringe. Tobirama smirked, as smart and calm as he may appear he is still an Uzumaki.


"Awww my poor little Tora, mommy was so worried about you, you naughty little fuzzy kitty, yes!" Said the daimyo's wife as she hugged the life out of the cat. "Stupid cat, serves him right..." Mumbled Naruto and Tobirama couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "No wonder he ran away..." Mumbled Sakura. "Now then, for team seven's next mission we have several available tasks..." Hiruzen couldn't help but be amused at Naruto and Tobirama, especially Tobirama. At least his sensei know how they felt. "Hmm... among them babysitting the councilor's three year old child, helping his wife to do the shopping, taking out potatoes or-" He got interrupted by our favorite Uzumaki. "No! No more of this! I know that we need to do more D-rank missions and all but this is ridiculous, these aren't missions but chores!" Said a frustrated Naruto. "Naruto, genin like you must do-" Iruka, who was also in the room got interrupted by Naruto. "I know that Iruka-sensei! Tobirama had me drill the stuff into my head! But come on, there must be a mission we could manage right?" Naruto whined again. Iruka grew a tick mark and opened his mouth only to get interrupted by the Sandaime. "If Kakashi thinks you are ready... then yes I could give you a low level C-rank." Said Hiruzen, Tobirama raised an eyebrow, but then again the D-ranks aren't really helping build up the team-work anyway... eh. "Hmm... I think they are." Sasuke smirked and Naruto grinned, Sakura cheered on. Iruka looked shocked and went to say something but the rise of Hiruzen's hand stopped him, he sighted in the end and let it be. "Well then, Team seven will go on an escort mission." Naruto grinned and smiled gratefully at Kakashi who gave him an eye-smile in return. "Send in the client." An old man walked in when the door opened, Tobirama cringed and covered his nose at the strong smell of alcohol radiating off him. "Eh? What is this? That's just a bunch of damn squirts! I asked for ninja, especially that short one with the cat, is he really a ninja?!" Tobirama felt his eyebrow twitch, at least it's not some spoiled brat..."Eh?" Said Naruto and all three genin lined up, Sasuke being the tallest, then Sakura and finally Naruto. "Hey!!!" Kakashi thankfully couth him before he could beat the crap out of the old man, quickly grabbing onto Tobirama who looked rather offended. "Naruto, we are supposed to protect the client, not kill him. Same goes for you Tobirama." He put them down once Naruto calmed down, Tobirama turned his head away, holding it high. Hiruzen and Kakashi sweatdropped at the Nidaimes antics, so much for the greatest Suiton user in history. Tobirama narrowed his eyes at the both of them, feeling the insult in the air. They shivered as the red-eyed glared at them, ok no underestimating or insulting the feline. "I'm Tazuna, a great bridge builder. You'll be risking life and limb to protect me until I return to my land to complete my bridge!" Tobirama almost snorted at that, life and limb? Yeah sure, this is a low C-rank old man. Hopefully, let's hope his bad luck with missions turning higher wore off. Hashirama got his bad gambling luck, he got the bad missions luck, let's just hope Tsuna didn't inherit either of those. Somewhere in the afterlife the Shodaime Hokage sneezed along with his granddaughter in the living world.

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