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❛ okay, time to be serious. ❜

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞

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𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞. After only getting to sleep during the early hours of the morning due to completing undone homework that was due in, the brunette was too sleep deprived to hear the knocking at her door from Mrs Paracha or the constant calls from her friends that tried to wake her up.

As the girl slept until the late hours of the afternoon she missed out on all the drama that was currently happening at school. Riz was absolutely ecstatic for his 'date' later this week with Angel and he had been telling anyone he could, this also accidentally included the one boy who was trying to win over Angel's heart.

"I'm taking her to the rec on Friday, hopefully gonna get some action," Riz boasted to his friends. He usually wouldn't be so open with his relationships but a few of the boys in his class were hyping him up over getting with one of the prettiest and most popular girls in school and he couldn't help himself.

"Oi, oi who you taking to the rec?" Cory cheered once he overhead his best friend brag about a girl. All the boys suddenly went extremely quiet as they knew Angel was his sort-of-ex-girlfriend and no one wanted to break the news to him but after no one said anything Riz decided to speak up.

"Uh, Angel Evans?" Riz inquired quietly. This revelation made Cory see red, he quickly moved towards the boy and pushed him hard.

"You're out of order! Asking my girl out!" Cory growled as he grabbed the other boy by his collar - getting ready to punch. This caused a small fight between the two over the girl they both liked, but just before it got too physical Mr Simpson and Mr Bell quickly broke it up between the two.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's the problem, eh?" The younger and the less experienced of the two PE teachers asked the bickering duo. After neither of the two boys would say what had happened as they were both too angry to talk, Mr Bell decided to put them on the rugby team that they had created to bring together the two schools instead of giving them detention.

After finding out that Riz was taking Angel out Cory was fuming, all he wanted to do was hit his best friend but he knew he couldn't if he didn't want to get into trouble, he also didn't want to get even more into Angel's bad books so instead of demanding Riz to cancel, he was going to do the next best thing - make it the worse date she's ever been on.

Unaware of all the drama that had gone down at school, Angel had only just woke up from her deep sleep and this was by something loud being thrown at her window, groggily cracking her eyes open at the noise the teen girl had awoken too, she slumped over to the window and pulled open the curtains that had kept they light out of her small room.

What she came to find was Nas throwing stones at her window like in a romantic film, however, the look of sadness that was on her best friends face was anything but lovey-dovey. The brunette quickly ran downstairs to open the door, but on her mad rush down she managed to miss the last step and fall straight on her face.

"Angel? Are you alright?" Nas pondered from outside, she heard the large thump from inside the small house and she wondered what the hell Angel was doing inside when she was in tears.

"Yeah, gimme a sec," Angel shouted from inside, she quickly picked herself up from the floor and unlocked her door to let Nas inside. The girl had tears rolling down and her face and without saying anything Angel pulled her best friend into a hug. Whenever the eldest Paracha was upset she would always come to Angel first, not that she didn't love Missy the same but the brunette was slightly more understanding and comforting than the blonder of the two girls.

"What happened?" Angel softly asked once she had brought Nas into her small bedroom as she knew that's where the girl felt most comfortable in her house.

"My dads home," Nas silently wept, this confused the brunette as she knew how much the Paracha kids all loved when their dad came back to visit from Pakistan. Thankfully Nas spotted the look of confusion on Angel's face and carried on with her story.

"He wants to plan an arranged marriage for me," The girl sobbed as she got the words she overheard her parents argue about. Mrs Paracha was beyond angry at her husband's idea as she wanted only the best for her daughter and getting her married at such a young age wasn't that. Angel was also so shocked at the man's plans for his daughter that she had no clue what to say, she had never had to deal with this sort of situation before.

The only thing the brunette could think of what to do is pull Nas into a big hug and let her cry it out for the time being, the teen ended up sobbing for what seemed like hours and due to letting out all her emotions she fell asleep from the full-on evening.

Angel sighed deeply at her best friends dilemma as she pulled her blanket over the small girl's frame, she was going to let Nas sleep in her room for the night and hopefully, that meant she would have a clear mind for the morning when she would speak to her parents about what she overheard. It seemed like the Evan's household was a magnet for drama though as just as Angel was about to head to sleep in her dad's room, there was a quiet knock at the door.

The teen girl almost didn't hear it but as her fathers room was a backroom downstairs she just about heard the three taps on the front door. It seemed like all Angel was going these days was sighing or groaning in annoyance, but once swinging open the door to give whoever the person who had come to her house at three am a piece of her mind she stopped in her tracks. Stood there with his head down sheepishly was Jordan Wilson.

"My dad kicked me out of the house again for the night," Jordan mumbled. He hated coming to Angel with his problems but he had been wondering the streets for a few hours now and the night had gotten extremely cold.

"What happened?" Angel exclaimed once the two were in her kitchen, she could tell Jordan was hungry by the way his stomach growled loudly once she had brought him inside, the girl quickly started to fry some bacon in order to make the two bacon butties as a late night snack.

"Candice won't let me see my kid anymore and dad said it was for the best, which I don't agree with," Jordan muttered as he remembered how angry his father was once he had talked with him about the girl he got pregnant last year.

Angel frowned as she placed the finished food down in front of the two. She hated when she heard the boy talk about his abusive father, however, this is one of the reasons why both Wilson brothers trusted the girl so much, she knew everything about them but never told anybody just like they had asked her too. This didn't stop Angel from feeling guilty about not telling the school or the police of what the horrible man put Jordan through, but she couldn't do anything about it as she didn't have any solid proof what-so-ever.

"We'll get through this together okay? I'll always have your back, you know how much I love you Jordan," Angel gently replied as she didn't want to get the boys hopes up too much.

Jordan weakly smiled at the girl but quickly dug into his food to avoid any more emotional conversation. Angel was about to dig into her sandwich also but before she could a mumbled Jordan spoke to his best friend which put a massive smile on her face.

"I love you too, Angie."

o. 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲.

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