"twenty eight"

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❛ forgiveness is her middle name. ❜

"𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭

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"𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭."

Missy's statement caught the attention of both Nas and Angel, the two quickly looked over to where she was looking and both soon saw Sam walking past with her head hung low, the brunette hated when her friends got hurt by people and she normally held a grudge before things were sorted out.

The three best friend had met up that morning before school for a morning gossip as Nas told the two about her fight with the redhead, Missy informed them about them kicking their mum out and Aaron becoming the legal guardian, and Angel told the duo about her date with Cory they had that planned for tomorrow night. Unluckily for the girls, the bell soon rang signalling the begging of school and they all had to make their separate ways.

Angel's day seemed to drag on massively, her lessons were boring to her, the small chat she had to make to her classmates were boring her, the teen's day just seemed very boring to her, the brunette would usually be in high spirits since her dad came home last night, but due to the fathers jetlag he passed out on the sofa before the two could catch up properly.

One thing that did, however, put a smile on the girls face was at the end of the school day and she was putting a few heavy books in her locker, once she unlocked the code she never expected to see a bunch of bright pink roses sitting in there, there was a small note attached to them and after picking it up Angel felt butterflies in her stomach.

"I love you." Angel quietly read out. She smiled brightly at the cute gesture from Cory, the boy had been trying extremely hard for the past few days to get the girl back, he texted her good morning and goodnight like he usually would, but he also been doing small little gestures for the girl in order to make it up to her somehow, and it was definitely working.

"Are those from lover boy?" A sudden voice asked from beside her, looking up quickly Angel saw it was only Naveed and nodded happily, she thought it would be awkward between the two after what had happened but weirdly it brought the duo closer together as they were now good friends, they both talked to each other about things they didn't feel like they could talk to their own best friends about - which wasn't much - but it was nice to get a different perspective on things from someone else.

The two then began to make their way out of school on the way to the Evan's house. Angel promised to Naveed that he would come at watch his first comedy show at the community centre and the two were going to practice beforehand at the girl's house.

Angel giggled once they made it to the gates as Mr Simpson was there in a bright orange Hi-Vis jacket and trying to chase some year elevens back into school for their extra hour of study skills, the PE teacher saw the girl laughing and decided to question her on it as he was already feeling embarrassed.

"Did you always want to be a traffic cone when you grew up, sir?" Naveed laughed. This made the girl giggle as well but Mr Simpson obviously didn't find it very humorous as he sentenced the two to detention that evening.

"Sir we can't, its comedy night at the community centre and Naveed's on first," Angel pleaded. She used her best puppy eyes which she didn't think would work but they actually did for once as Mr Simpson let them go on their way.

The brunette helped the boy practice the whole time they were at his house, Naveed was extremely nervous but was glad at least one person he knew would be watching him, also Angel also seemed to have this calming aura around her apart from when she was angry - then she was scary.

The night went on and the teen boy absolutely smashed his comedy routine, that partially helped from his two inspirations of jokes who sat just behind the teen, Mr Simpson and Miss Keane had decided to go and watch the teen boy and both enjoyed it massively, just like Angel did who gave the boy a massive hug in congratulations when he came off the stage.

"So, what do you think?" Naveed nervously asked the group. Both the teachers and Angel reassured him that it was amazing before Angel got a text from a certain boy to meet her at the rec, the brunette quickly excused herself and gave Naveed a quick hug goodbye before making the short walk to where the teen had asked her to go.

She soon spotted Cory sitting by the lake and promptly made her way over to him, after sitting down next to him on a park bench she noticed the smirk plastered on his face that she loved very much.

"Did you get my flowers?" Cory questioned as he looked over at the girl. He was itching to touch her but resisted as he had made good progress over the last few days of building up her trust again, sure the two slept together last night but it was Angel who made the first move and the teen boy didn't want to push any boundaries just yet, not until they were official again.

"I did, they were very beautiful," Angel confessed as she blushed slightly.

She wasn't that used to a fluffy and soft acting Cory, just a cocky and arrogant teen which she also adored, however, Angel wasnt going to complain about the treatment she was receiving from him.

"Not as beautiful as you." Cory grinned as he caught sight of the girl's red face, he loved teasing the girl and it was one of the many reasons why he wanted to start a relationship with her.

"Laying it on pretty thick there aren't we Wilson," The brunette chuckled as he nudged her at the new nickname she had given him.

The two then sat in a comfortable silence just looking at the flowing lake until Cory slowly leaned in and pressed a small kiss to the girl's cheek before pulling back, both teens looked away in with flushed faces which meant neither of them could see the grinning lovestruck expressions each other had on, both of them also thought that maybe, just maybe, the couple would be able to find their way back to each other.

o. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞.

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