Chapter 1 ✨

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The day I received the curse

"So why do you like BTS?" Hina asked me while I tried to pick a shirt that was not dark colored.

I didn't know why but I had the sudden urge to start dressing in colorful outfits lately. The middle school me hated pink, but now I was digging it. It was actually weird.

"I could give you hours of explanation, but I'd rather not," I sighed, my hands busily rummaging through tons of clothes that were hanging together.

Hina shuffled next to me and pulled out a pastel pink blouse from the pile I was searching through. "I would rather not listen to that either since you practically talk about them every single day," the blonde haired girl said as she held the blouse in front of me and a small smile danced on her lips. "This one is cute and it also suits you".

It was cute. I was amazed by how she just whipped it out in seconds while I spent hours trying to find something half as good as that.

"As expected of a fashionista," I giggled and walked to the changing room.

"Guys?" Irina called out as she ran over to Hina holding two clutch bags that were almost the same as each other. "Can you help me choose between these? I've been trying to pick one for the past ten minutes and I still can't."

Hina furrowed her eyebrows at the red haired girl. "What's the difference?" she let out after inspecting each one.

Irina huffed, "My dude, this one has moon decoration while this one has sun decoration. They are both the same design and color though," while pushing them onto Hina's face to show her the emblems up close. She had to put her hand over her cheeks to prevent Irina from hitting her face.

"Just choose the sun then, you said something about your bias being the literal sun or whatever." Hina pushed the clutches away from her.

Irina thought for a while, looking at the clutches and laughed, "Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

Hina looked at her and shook her head. "Is he your bias or my bias?"

Irina chuckled. "Seriously though, when are you going to join the fandom? You know almost everything about them." She wiggled her eyebrows. "If you ask me some stupid questions like why I love BTS again, I will not be letting you stay at my home for sleepovers, girl," she stated tiredly which made Hina snort.

"I already told you and Y/N. I'm busy with my modeling stuff that I have only little time for my schoolwork. When I get more free time, I promise I will start fangirling with you two." She smiled at her, the latter returning the gesture. "Those questions are for keeping you two away from pestering me to stan them, you know. But, I have my eyes on Jimin already, just so you know." She winked, causing the other to gawk at her.

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We all arrived at Irina's house for a sleepover and her mother welcomed us. "Welcome girls," she greeted.

"Hi, mom," gushed the three of us at the same time and she chuckled.

"Go wash your hands and have your dinner before it gets cold, okay?" She smiled warmly. We all nodded and went inside.

After eating dinner, we gathered in Irina's room and made our beds early just so we can laze around until we get knocked out.

"So, are y'all excited for BTS' comeback?" I asked them eagerly after making myself comfortable in Irina's bed.

"HELL YEAH! I just pre-ordered their new album. We better be prepared, our weaves are gonna be freaking snatched," she exclaimed way too enthusiastically, jumping on her bed. I couldn't help but laugh at how funny she acted out the weave-snatching part.

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