Chapter 6 ✨

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Day 3 Part 1 - "You're a big, buff, hunky guy"

Your POV


I woke up by the sound of a message incoming.

I took my phone and sighed while opening the message.

Unknown: Who the heck are you and why do we keep switching bodies?!

I gasped and sat up on the bed. It was not mine. The room was not mine.

I turned to my left and saw Park freaking Jimin sleeping in a fetal position.

"Oh holy mother of all things," I mumbled as I jumped off from the bed and ran to the bathroom.

When I looked into the mirror, I saw the very person who I was so dreading to see.

Jeon Jung- "Shit," I whispered.

This can't be happening. I thought it was a one time thing. Don't shit with me. I don't want to be in this mess.

I quickly dashed back into the bedroom and snatched his phone.

Me: Are you Jungkook? Are you in my body right now?

Unknown: Well duh, explain why this is happening

Me: I don't know... I'm just as lost as you are

Unknown: Whatever this is, it better stop soon. I know you're an ARMY so you should know that we have a comeback nearing

Me: I know, but what am I supposed to do? I can't stop this, I don't know how

Unknown: Then we should figure it out sooner. And until then, you try to keep up with my practices and I'll keep your school records

I sighed.

Me: Okay... I'll try

I walked to his room to prepare for the upcoming disasters and practices. I didn't feel good. I didn't feel good at all.

Why was this happening again?

I don't want to dance my ass off for another whole day!

I went into his bathroom and looked at the mirror once again.

This is so unreal.

Jungkook was staring right back at me.

"I don't know if I should be happy or not," I groaned in frustration.


I whiffed a very delicious smell when I walked into the kitchen where everyone was seated around a huge table. Despite looking hella tired, they were all bickering and laughing between themselves.

I walked up to the table and took a seat between Hoseok and Jimin.

Jimin suddenly slapped my arm.

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