Chapter 18 ✨

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Day 10 Part 2 - "Jin hyung?!"

Jungkook's POV

"This is a date, right?"

She leaned towards me and whispered softly.

"Yeah..?" I answered, a bit unsure. "Why are you asking?"

She played with her fingernails and bit her lips, looking down. She seemed to be nervous suddenly.

"Well... I was just too focused on fixing our problems that I... sort of got out of touch with reality. Our situation, I mean."

I smiled unknowingly. "Yeah? And what about it?"

She gulped. "I got too comfortable around you that I actually started to think that spending our days together and maybe going out together are just normal activities for me now. When in fact, they aren't. You're my idol who I used to admire from far away many days ago. Because of this curse, we were just... connected. Maybe it was because of that that I'm feeling more and more, I don't know, closer to you? I don't know why but I just grew accustomed to you... How about you?"

She looked up at me with confusion drawn upon her face as if she had been thinking about her actions.

I sighed. "Same here. It's like I've known you for years when we actually spent only several days together."

She nodded.

Is it some side effect of the curse or something? If we break it, will this connection die out and we return back to our normal life?

I didn't understand why it hurt when that came into my mind. We've only met almost two weeks ago... I couldn't have possibly grown attached to her...

My thoughts were interrupted when she grabbed my hand.

"I still say we try kissing our way out," she said deadpanned.

I groaned and looked around the restaurant. Since we were in a sort of secluded area, no one caught her crazy words.

When I was about to say something back, the waiter came up next to us and held up his notepad.

"Good evening. What would you like to have?"


That voice...

I scanned the man, paying more attention to his facial features.

What the-

Jin hyung?!

He was wearing a giant mustache and furry eyebrows. He hid his eyes with dark sunglasses and had a long orange wig on top of his head.

In one word, he looked ridiculous.

What was he doing here? And wearing a disguise?

"I'll have bibimbap, please," Y/N chirped, smiling at him.

Did she not recognize him?

I cleared my throat and passively looked over the menu. I couldn't focus on the food as I was wondering why he was there.

"Me, too."

Jin hyung saluted after writing them down and turned on his heels, walking away.

I couldn't take my eyes off of his back until I saw two weird looking women sitting on a table far away from us, staring at us so intently.

Are they...

They weren't women.

I slapped my forehead, burying my face in my hands.

Those were Jimin and Hoseok hyung wearing long grandma dresses and fancy glasses, with scarves wrapped around their heads over their wigs.

What are they all doing here? IN FREAKING DISGUISES?

There wasn't any other logical reason but the fact that they were following us.

Are they for real?

I felt so embarrassed by their attempts of stalking us. I would've snapped a picture and posted them on social media or blackmailed them later, but I couldn't.

"Is something wrong?"

Her voice made me snap my head up. She looked worried.

"Um..." I rubbed my nape. "There are some weird customers here today, right?"

She scanned the room, her eyes lingering a bit on the old women with bad fashion sense, aka my nosy hyungs.

"Oh, you mean them?" She giggled. "Calling them weird is mean, Kookie."


My cheeks became warmer when my nickname rolled off her tongue so casually.

"Well, their clothes are weird is what I meant." I shrugged.

"They look familiar..." she mused while squinting her eyes, trying to get a better look at them. "But I just can't get my hands on it."

She doesn't recognize them... and she called herself a hardcore fan...

I sighed disappointed. "You're really bad at recognizing people."

She chuckled under her breath. "Yeah, my memory isn't that good, to be honest. But I'm confident that I would recognize you and the boys anywhere, anytime."

I snorted. "Whatever you say, Ms. Liar."

"I'm not a liar!" She huffed, puffing her cheeks.

She looked so adorable.

I pinched her cheeks and laughed at her when she frowned even more. She eventually started laughing with me, giving in, and pinched my cheeks back.

"My cheeks are soft, right?" I giggled.

"I bet mines are softer, smoother and better than yours." She stuck out her tongue.


We both turned our heads to the person who was standing next to our table, throwing us a glare.

"Your food." Jin hyung served us our meals and turned around to leave. "No PDA in my restaurant, please."

Heat started rushing to my cheeks and I cleared my throat.

"My restaurant? He doesn't own this place. He's not Jin," she said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Oh, Y/N...

A/N: Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter 💜

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